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¿ù»~ÂI³£¬O "¤£¤ä´©¦¹ÄݩʩΤèªk" ,¥i¥H¼Ð¥X¿ù»~ÂI¬Oþ¸Ì,¬Ý¬Ý¦p¦ó¸Ñ¨M- Sub A_chart(w_file)
- 'Dim C As ChartObject
- 'Set C = Workbooks(w_file).Worksheets(1).ChartObjects("Chart 3")
- With Workbooks(w_file).Worksheets(1).ChartObjects("Chart 3").Chart
- '.ChartArea.Format.Line.Visible = msoFalse '2003¿ù»~
- .ChartArea.Border.LineStyle = msoFalse '§ï¦¨³o¼Ë¹ï¶Ü?
- .SizeWithWindow = True
- '.ChartArea.Width = 362.5 '¼e«× ì1449.25 '2003¿ù»~
- '.ChartArea.Height = 124.75 '°ª«× ì178.75 '2003¿ù»~
- .Parent.Width = 362.5 ' *** ³o¼Ë¹ï¶Ü? ***
- .Parent.Height = 124.75
- With .PlotArea
- .Height = 102.148661417323 'ø¹Ï°Ï°ª«× ì120.97031496063
- .Width = 342.872283464567 'ø¹Ï°Ï¼e«× ì358.980866141732
- .Left = 10 'ø¹Ï°Ï¦ì²¾
- .Top = 10 'ø¹Ï°Ï¦ì²¾
- End With
- '¹Ïªí¼ÐÃD
- With .ChartTitle
- If IsError(Application.Find(".", Worksheets(2).Range("G2"))) = False Then
- .Text = Left(ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text, Application.Find(" ", ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text) - 1) _
- & "-" & Mid(Worksheets(2).Range("G2"), Application.Find(".", Worksheets(2).Range("G2"), Application.Find(".", Worksheets(2).Range("G2")) + 1) + 1, 3) _
- & " " & "wk" & Right(Worksheets(2).Range("A2"), 4) & " " & Right(ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text, 15)
- ElseIf IsError(Application.Find(".", Worksheets(2).Range("G2"))) = True Then
- .Text = Left(ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text, Application.Find(" ", ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text) - 1) _
- & "-" & Mid(Worksheets(2).Range("G2"), Application.Find("_", Worksheets(2).Range("G2"), Application.Find("_", Worksheets(2).Range("G2")) + 1) + 1, 3) _
- & " " & "wk" & Right(Worksheets(2).Range("A2"), 4) & " " & Right(ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text, 15)
- End If
- .Font.Size = 6.5 '¼ÐÃD¦rÅé¤j¤p
- .Font.Name = "Arial" '¼ÐÃD¦r«¬
- .Left = 123 '¼ÐÃD¦ì²¾
- End With
- With .Legend
- .Position = xlLegendPositionBottom '¹Ï¨Ò¦C©³³¡
- '.Legend.Top = 300 '¹Ï¨Ò¦ì²¾
- .Top = Range("A21").Top
- .Font.Size = 6.5 '¹Ï¨Ò¦rÅé¤j¤p
- .Font.Name = "Arial" '¹Ï¨Ò¦r«¬
- End With
- With .SeriesCollection("Yield")
- ' .SeriesCollection(4).Border.ColorIndex = 18 '½u±øÃC¦â
- .Border.Color = 5066944 '½u±øÃC¦â
- '.SeriesCollection("Yield").Format.Line.Weight = 1 '½u±ø&¼Ð°O¼e¬°1
- '.Format.Line 2003¿ù»~ ***********
- .Border.Weight = 1 '.LineStyle = 0
- .Border.Weight = -4138 '¥u§ïÅܽu±ø
- .MarkerStyle = 2 '¼Ð°OµÙ§Î
- .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 2 '¼Ð°OÃC¦â(¥Õ)
- .MarkerSize = 5 '¼Ð°O¤j¤p5
- .MarkerForegroundColor = 5066944 '¼Ð°O¥~®Ø
- .ApplyDataLabels 'Åã¥Ü¸ê®Æ¼ÐÅÒ
- .DataLabels.Font.Size = 5 '¤W¦C¼ÆȦrÅé¤j¤p
- .DataLabels.Font.Name = "Arial" '¤W¦C¼ÆȦr«¬
- End With
- '.SeriesCollection("Yield").Select '¤£»Ýn
- ' .SetElement (msoElementDataLabelTop) '¸ê®Æ¼ÐÅÒ¸m¤W '2003¨S³o¿ï¶µ
- .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Font.Size = 6.5 'Y¶b¼ÐÃD¤j¤p
- .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Font.Name = "Arial" 'Y¶b¼ÐÃD¦r«¬
- .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Left = -3 'Y¶b¼ÐÃD¦ì²¾
- .Axes(xlCategory).TickLabels.Font.Size = 5 'X¶b¦rÅé¤j¤p
- .Axes(xlCategory).TickLabels.Font.Name = "Arial" 'X¶b¦r«¬
- .Axes(xlValue).TickLabels.Font.Size = 6.5 'Y¶b¦rÅé¤j¤p
- .Axes(xlValue).TickLabels.Font.Name = "Arial" 'Y¶b¦r«¬
- .SeriesCollection("Yield").DataLabels.Font.Size = 5 '¤W¦C¼ÆȦrÅé¤j¤p
- .SeriesCollection("Yield").DataLabels.Font.Name = "Arial" '¤W¦C¼ÆȦr«¬
- End With
- End Sub
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