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¸Ñ¨M³y¦¨¨âÓ®Ö¨ú¤è¶ô«Å|.ªºµ{¦¡½X- Option Explicit
- Sub Ex()
- Dim C As Variant, B As Object, I As Integer, Rng(1 To 2) As Range
- With ActiveSheet
- Set Rng(1) = .Range("A:A").SpecialCells(2) '³B¸Ì Aø󦳸ê®Æªº¤å¦rªº CheckBoxe
- If .CheckBoxes.Count > 1 Then
- For Each C In .CheckBoxes
- If Not Intersect(C.TopLeftCell.Offset(, -1), Rng(1).EntireColumn) Is Nothing Then
- If C.TopLeftCell.Offset(, -1) = "" Then
- C.TopLeftCell.Offset(, 1) = ""
- C.Delete
- Else
- C.Characters.Text = C.TopLeftCell.Offset(, -1)
- If Rng(2) Is Nothing Then
- Set Rng(2) = C.TopLeftCell.Offset(, -1)
- Else
- Set Rng(2) = Union(Rng(2), C.TopLeftCell.Offset(, -1)) '.Offset(, -1)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next
- End If
- For Each C In Rng(1) 'Rng(2): CheckBoxe ªºTopLeftCellÀx¦s®æ
- If Rng(2) Is Nothing Then
- Set B = .CheckBoxes.Add(C(1, 2).Left, C.Top, C.Width, C.Height)
- B.Characters.Text = C
- B.LinkedCell = C.Offset(, 2).Address
- ElseIf Intersect(C, Rng(2)) Is Nothing Then
- Set B = .CheckBoxes.Add(C(1, 2).Left, C.Top, C.Width, C.Height)
- B.Characters.Text = C
- B.LinkedCell = C.Offset(, 2).Address
- End If
- Next
- End With
- End Sub
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