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¦^´_ 1# aoss98
¸Õ¸Õ¬Ý- Sub Ex()
- Dim R As Integer, Col As Integer, AR() '():°ÊºA°}¦C , AR(1)--ÀRºA°}¦C(0 <-> 1)->[¤U<->¤W]
- R = 2 '²Ä2¦C
- Col = 3 '²Ä3Äæ
- ReDim AR(0) '[ReDim «·s³]¸m]°ÊºA°}¦C:³]¸m¤¸¯À½d³ò(0<->0)->[¤U<->¤W]
- AR(0) = Array("ART", "COL.", "SIZE", "QTY.") '«ü©w¦C°}¤¸¯Àªº¤º®e
- With Sheet1
- Do While .Cells(R, Col) <> "" '²Ä2¦C->©¹¤U ¹J¨ìªÅ¥ÕÀx¦s®æ«h°±¤î°j°é
- Do While .Cells(R, Col) <> "" '²Ä3Äæ->©¹¥k ¹J¨ìªÅ¥ÕÀx¦s®æ«h°±¤î°j°é
- ReDim Preserve AR(UBound(AR) + 1) '°ÊºA°}¦C:³]¸m¤¸¯À½d³ò (0<->¤W+1),Preserve:n«O¯d¦³¤¸¯ÀÃöÁä¦r
- AR(UBound(AR)) = Array(.Cells(R, "A").Value, .Cells(R, "B").Value, .Cells(1, Col).Value, .Cells(R, Col).Value)
- Col = Col + 1 '->©¹¥k
- Loop
- Col = 3
- R = R + 1 '->©¹¤U
- Loop
- End With
- With Sheet2
- .Cells.Clear 'Àx¦s®æ: ²M°£
- .[A1].Resize(UBound(AR) + 1, 4).Value = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(AR))
- '¨ú¥X°}¦C¤¸¯Àªº¤º®e
- End With
- End Sub
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