- ©«¤l
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- ¥DÃD
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- 0
- §@·~¨t²Î
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- ³nÅ骩¥»
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- ¾\ŪÅv
- 100
- ©Ê§O
- ¨k
- ¨Ó¦Û
- ¡e²¤¡f
- µù¥U®É¶¡
- 2013-5-13
- ³Ì«áµn¿ý
- 2025-2-15
¢²¡D°õ¦æ¡e²M°£¡f¡A§Y¥i«ì´_쪬¡]º¸«á¤´¥i«·s§ó§ï¼Ë¦¡¡Aµ{¦¡¥u¨Ì¼Ë½Æ»s¡^- Sub Âà¥X()
- Dim R&, xR As Range, xH As Range, xE As Range
- Call ²M°£
- R = [¼ÐÅÒ²M³æ!A65536].End(xlUp).Row
- If R < 2 Then Exit Sub
- Set xH = [¼ÐÅҼ˦¡!A4]: Set xE = xH
- For Each xR In [¼ÐÅÒ²M³æ!A2].Resize(R - 1)
- If xH = "" Then [¼ÐÅҼ˦¡!1:3].Copy xE
- xE(2, 2) = xR
- xE(3, 2) = xR(1, 2)
- Set xE = xE(1, 3)
- If xE = "" Then Set xH = xH(4): Set xE = xH
- Next
- [¼ÐÅҼ˦¡!1:3].EntireRow.Delete
- Application.Goto [¼ÐÅҼ˦¡!A1]
- End Sub
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°]²£¼ÐÅÒ»s§@v01.rar (16.22 KB)
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- ©«¤l
- 552
- ¥DÃD
- 3
- ºëµØ
- 0
- ¿n¤À
- 578
- ÂI¦W
- 0
- §@·~¨t²Î
- win7
- ³nÅ骩¥»
- office 2010
- ¾\ŪÅv
- 50
- ©Ê§O
- ¨k
- µù¥U®É¶¡
- 2015-2-8
- ³Ì«áµn¿ý
- 2024-7-9
¦^´_ 1# poke0817
§Ú§â¼ÐÅҼ˦¡§ï¨ìSheet3¥HÀ³²Ä2Ó°ÝÃD- Public Sub ex()
- Dim rng As Range, r%, c%
- Sheet3.Range("a1:h" & Sheet3.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row).Delete
- r = 1
- c = 1
- For i = 1 To 8 Step 2
- Sheet3.Columns(i).ColumnWidth = 9.65
- Sheet3.Columns(i + 1).ColumnWidth = 18.13
- Next
- For Each rng In Sheet1.Range("a2:a" & Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
- With Sheet3
- If c < 8 Then
- With .Range(.Cells(r, c), .Cells(r + 2, c + 1))
- .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
- .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
- .WrapText = False
- .Orientation = 0
- .AddIndent = False
- .IndentLevel = 0
- .ShrinkToFit = True
- .ReadingOrder = xlContext
- .Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
- .Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
- With .Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
- .LineStyle = xlContinuous
- .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
- .TintAndShade = 0
- .Weight = xlMedium
- End With
- With .Borders(xlEdgeTop)
- .LineStyle = xlContinuous
- .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
- .TintAndShade = 0
- .Weight = xlMedium
- End With
- With .Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
- .LineStyle = xlContinuous
- .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
- .TintAndShade = 0
- .Weight = xlMedium
- End With
- With .Borders(xlEdgeRight)
- .LineStyle = xlContinuous
- .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
- .TintAndShade = 0
- .Weight = xlMedium
- End With
- With .Borders(xlInsideVertical)
- .LineStyle = xlContinuous
- .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
- .TintAndShade = 0
- .Weight = xlThin
- End With
- With .Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
- .LineStyle = xlContinuous
- .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
- .TintAndShade = 0
- .Weight = xlThin
- End With
- With .Font
- .Name = "¼Ð·¢Åé"
- End With
- End With
- With .Range(.Cells(r, c), .Cells(r, c + 1))
- .MergeCells = True
- .Value = "XX¥ø·~ªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q"
- With .Font
- .Size = 14
- End With
- End With
- .Cells(r + 1, c) = "°]²£½s½X"
- .Cells(r + 1, c + 1) = rng
- .Cells(r + 2, c) = "«~¦W"
- .Cells(r + 2, c + 1) = rng.Offset(, 1)
- c = c + 2
- End If
- If c > 8 Then
- c = 1
- r = r + 3
- End If
- End With
- Next
- End Sub
½Æ»s¥N½X |