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¦^´_ 1# bridetobe - Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
- Dim a_date ' As String
- a_date = InputBox("¿é¤J¤é´Á(¨Ò2014/7/1):")
- With Sheet2
- Set A = .Range("A2", .[a2].End(xlDown)).Find(what:=a_date, LookIn:=xlValues) '·j´M¤å¦r
- End With
- If Not A Is Nothing Then
- MsgBox ("¦³")
- Else
- MsgBox ("¨S¦³¸ê®Æ")
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
- Dim a_date As Date
- a_date = InputBox("¿é¤J¤é´Á(¨Ò2014/7/1):")
- With Sheet2
- Set A = .Range("A2", .[a2].End(xlDown)).Find(what:=a_date, LookIn:=xlFormulas) '·j´M¤½¦¡
- End With
- If Not A Is Nothing Then
- MsgBox ("¦³")
- Else
- MsgBox ("¨S¦³¸ê®Æ")
- End If
- End Sub
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