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Private Sub jump123()
For a = 2 To 10000
  If Cells(a, 1) = "" Then Exit For
    s = Cells(a, 4)

If s Like "201106*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "A"
End If
If s Like "201101*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "B"
End If
If s Like "201111*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "C"
End If
If s Like "201102*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "D"
End If
If s Like "201127*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "E"
End If
If s Like "1101*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "F"
End If
If s Like "1102*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "G"
End If
If s Like "1103*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "H"
End If
If s Like "1104*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "I"
End If
If s Like "1105*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "J"
End If
If s Like "1106*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "K"
End If
If s Like "1107*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "L"
End If
If s Like "1108*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "M"
End If
If s Like "1109*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "N"
End If
If s Like "1110*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "O"
End If
If s Like "1111*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "P"
End If
If s Like "1112*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "Q"
End If
If s Like "1113*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "R"
End If
If s Like "1114*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "S"
End If
If s Like "1115*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "T"
End If
If s Like "1116*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "U"
End If
If s Like "1117*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "V"
End If
If s Like "1118*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "X"
End If
If s Like "1119*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "Y"
End If
If s Like "1120*" Then
        Cells(a, 5) = "Z"
End If

   Next a

End Sub

¦^´_ 25# fyo00241



¦]¬°§Úı±o¤ñ¹ïªº¹Lµ{ÆZ¹³ Select Case ¡A©Ò¥HSub¨ú¦W¬°LikeSelectCase()


Sub PasteData()

j = 1

For i = 1 To 10000
    Cells(i, 1) = Cells(j, 7)
    j = j + 1
    If j = 26 Then j = 1
Next i

End Sub

Sub LikeSelectCase()

For i = 1 To 10000

Cells(i, 2) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Cells(i, 1), Range(Cells(1, 7), Cells(25, 8)), 2, False)

Next i

End Sub


¦^´_ 20# fyo00241

¦^´_ 22# fyo00241
2007 ¤£¦æªü
½Ð¥[¤W With Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1)



¤]¥i¥H§âExcel¤º«Ø¨ç¼Æ¼g¦bVBA¸Ì¡A³o¼Ëµ{¦¡¥u¦³ ...
lcc_seven µoªí©ó 2012-1-3 18:20



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fyo00241 µoªí©ó 2012-1-3 17:19



¦^´_  fyo00241
²¤Æ UserForm1¦U³æ¦ì¤u§@ªíªºWorksheet_Change ¥i§R°£¸m©óThisWorkbook ¤¤
GBKEE µoªí©ó 2012-1-1 09:31

¤j¤j³o¬q¿ù»~:µLª«¥óWith Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1)   '¤u§@ªí(ComboBox2)


¦^´_  GBKEE

    ¦Û¤v§ïªº ¤£ª¾¦p¦ó
register313 µoªí©ó 2012-1-3 08:28



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¼Ó¥DÀɮ׸û¤j,©Ò¥H°õ¦æµ{¦¡³t ...
GBKEE µoªí©ó 2012-1-3 08:22



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register313 µoªí©ó 2012-1-2 23:39



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