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Q1 Y·Q±N¤U¦Cµ{¦¡ §ï¬° Åã¥ÜLABEL ªºNAME À³¸Ón«çקï¤ñ¸û§´·í ( Userform1 ¤º¦³ LABEL 1~10)
Q2 ¯x°} ªí¥Ü Label ·Q½Ð°ÝQ2 code µ{¦¡½Xn«çקï?
Q1 code- Dim st As Range
- For pgx = 1 To 10
- Set s1t = ¤u§@ªí1.Cells(pgx, 1)
- s1t.Value = pgx
- Set s2t = ¤u§@ªí1.Cells(1, pgx)
- s2t.Value = s1t.Value
- Set s3t = ¤u§@ªí1.Cells(s1t, s2t)
- s3t.Value = s1t.Value
- Cells(s1t, s2t).Select
- Selection.ColumnWidth = 5
- Selection.RowHeight = 25
- Next pgx
½Æ»s¥N½X Q2 code
for i = 1 to 10
i = label & i .caption
cells(i,1)=label & i
next i |