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[µo°Ý] ¦p¦ó±N¤G­Ó¤£¦P¦ì¸mªº¸ê®Æ²£¥Í¤@­Ó¹Ïªí©O¡H

[µo°Ý] ¦p¦ó±N¤G­Ó¤£¦P¦ì¸mªº¸ê®Æ²£¥Í¤@­Ó¹Ïªí©O¡H

¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ dechiuan999 ©ó 2012-4-4 20:30 ½s¿è




Sub aa()
    Dim mRng As Range
    Dim mRng1 As Range
    Dim mRng2 As Range
    Dim mRng3 As Range
    Dim mRng4 As Range
    Dim mTotal%, mRow$
    Dim oldmonth
    Dim mSht1 As Worksheet
    Dim mChart As ChartObject
    Dim mCol%, sumTotal As Long
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set mSht1 = Worksheets("·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí")
    With mSht1
        mCol = .Range("a16").End(xlToRight).Column
        Set mRng = .Range("a17").Resize(5, mCol)
        Set mRng1 = .Range("b25").Resize(5, .Range("b25").End(xlToRight).Column - 1)
        Set mRng2 = Union(mRng, mRng1)
        Set mRng3 = .Range("a1").Resize(14, mCol)
    End With
    oldmonth = Month(Date)
    If oldmonth = "1" Then
        oldmonth = "12"
        oldmonth = oldmonth - 1
    End If
    Call changeMonth(oldmonth)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set mChart = mSht1.ChartObjects.Add(mRng3.Left, mRng3.Top, mRng3.Width, mRng3.Height)
    With mChart
        .Name = "¦UÃö°Ï³fª«¦s©ñ³B©Ò²Î­pªí"
    End With
    mTotal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(mRng2)
    Select Case mTotal
    Case 1 To 50
        mTotal = "50"
     Case 51 To 100
        mTotal = "100"
    Case 101 To 150
        mTotal = "150"
    Case 151 To 200
        mTotal = "200"
    Case 201 To 250
        mTotal = "250"
    Case 251 To 300
        mTotal = "300"
    Case 301 To 350
        mTotal = "350"
    Case 351 To 400
        mTotal = "400"
    Case 401 To 450
        mTotal = "450"
    Case 451 To 500
        mTotal = "500"
    End Select
    Set mRng4 = mSht1.Rows(24).Find(what:="Á`­p ¡G", after:=mSht1.Range("a24"), LookIn:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)
    If Not mRng4 Is Nothing Then
        sumTotal = mRng4.Offset(6).Value
    End If
    With mChart.Chart
        .SetSourceData Source:=mRng2, PlotBy:=xlRows
        .HasTitle = True
        .ChartType = xlColumnClustered
        .HasLegend = True
        .ApplyDataLabels xlDataLabelsShowValue
        .Axes(xlCategory).TickLabels.Orientation = xlHorizontal
        .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "  " & oldmonth & " ¤ë¥÷¦UÃö°Ï³fª«¦s©ñ³B©Ò²Î­pªí (" & sumTotal & " ¥÷)"
        .ChartTitle.Font.Bold = False
        .ChartTitle.Font.Size = 12
        '.PlotArea.Top = 16
        '.PlotArea.Height = 160
        With .Axes(Type:=xlValue)
            .HasTitle = True
            .AxisTitle.Text = "³fª«¦s©ñ³B©Ò"
             .AxisTitle.Orientation = xlVertical
             .MaximumScale = mTotal
        End With
        '.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False  ''false
        '.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False   ''false
        .ChartArea.Font.Size = 8
        .ChartTitle.Font.Size = 10
     End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Set mRng = Nothing
    Set mRng1 = Nothing
    Set mRng2 = Nothing
    Set mRng3 = Nothing
    Set mChart = Nothing
End Sub


CHART2.rar (17.11 KB)

¦^´_ 1# dechiuan999

TESTCHART.rar (11.75 KB)



Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()   
    Dim mRng As Range
    Dim mRng1 As Range
    Dim mRng2 As Range
    Dim mRng3 As Range
    Dim mTotal%, mRow$
    Dim oldmonth
    Dim mSht1 As Worksheet
    Dim mChart As ChartObject
    Dim mCol%, sumTotal As Long
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set mSht1 = Worksheets("·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí")
    With mSht1
        mCol = .Range("a16").End(xlToRight).Column
        Set mRng = .Range("a1").Resize(14, mCol)
        Set mRng1 = .Range("a17").Resize(5, mCol)
        Set mRng2 = .Range("b26").Resize(5, 5)
        Set mRng3 = Union(mRng1, mRng2)       'mRng3¬O±N¤G­Ó°Ï¶ô¦X¨Ö¨Ã¾É¤J.SetSourceData Source:=mRng3, PlotBy:=xlRows «h·|¥¢±Ñ¦¬³õ
    End With
    oldmonth = Month(Date)
    If oldmonth = "1" Then
        oldmonth = "12"
        oldmonth = oldmonth - 1
    End If
    Call changeMonth(oldmonth)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set mChart = mSht1.ChartObjects.Add(mRng.Left, mRng.Top, mRng.Width, mRng.Height)
    With mChart
        .Name = "¦UÃö°Ï³fª«¦s©ñ³B©Ò²Î­pªí"
    End With
    mTotal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(mRng3)
    Select Case mTotal
    Case 1 To 50
        mTotal = "50"
     Case 51 To 100
        mTotal = "100"
    Case 101 To 150
        mTotal = "150"
    Case 151 To 200
        mTotal = "200"
    Case 201 To 250
        mTotal = "250"
    Case 251 To 300
        mTotal = "300"
    Case 301 To 350
        mTotal = "350"
    Case 351 To 400
        mTotal = "400"
    Case 401 To 450
        mTotal = "450"
    Case 451 To 500
        mTotal = "500"
    End Select
    Set mRng3 = mSht1.Rows(24).Find(what:="Á`­p ¡G", after:=mSht1.Range("a24"), LookIn:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)
    If Not mRng3 Is Nothing Then
        sumTotal = mRng3.Offset(6).Value
    End If
    With mChart.Chart
        .SetSourceData Source:=mRng1, PlotBy:=xlRows    '¥Ø«e°õ¦æmrng1 ¦Ó¤Ö¤Fmrng2ªº°Ï¶ô¦ì¸m¡A¦ý¦pªG§ï¬°mRng3®É«oµLªk¹F¦¨¤G­Ó°Ï¶ô
        .HasTitle = True
        .ChartType = xlColumnClustered
        .HasLegend = True
        .ApplyDataLabels xlDataLabelsShowValue
        .Axes(xlCategory).TickLabels.Orientation = xlHorizontal
        .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "  " & oldmonth & " ¤ë¥÷¦UÃö°Ï³fª«¦s©ñ³B©Ò²Î­pªí (" & sumTotal & " ¥÷)"
        .ChartTitle.Font.Bold = False
        .ChartTitle.Font.Size = 12
        With .Axes(Type:=xlValue)
            .HasTitle = True
            .AxisTitle.Text = "³fª«¦s©ñ³B©Ò"
             .AxisTitle.Orientation = xlVertical
             .MaximumScale = mTotal
        End With
        .ChartArea.Font.Size = 8
        .ChartTitle.Font.Size = 10
     End With     
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True   
    Set mRng = Nothing
    Set mRng1 = Nothing
    Set mRng2 = Nothing
    Set mRng3 = Nothing
    Set mChart = Nothing
End Sub


¦^´_ 3# dechiuan999
  1. Sub aa()
  3.      '³fª«¦s©ñ³B²Î­p¹Ïªí
  5.     Dim mRng As Range
  6.     Dim mRng1 As Range
  7.     Dim mRng2 As Range
  8.     Dim mRng3 As Range
  9.     Dim mRng4 As Range
  10.     Dim mTotal%, mRow$
  11.     Dim oldmonth
  12.     Dim mSht1 As Worksheet
  13.     Dim mChart As ChartObject
  14.     Dim mCol%, sumTotal As Long
  16.     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  18.     Set mSht1 = Worksheets("·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí")
  19.     With mSht1
  20.         mCol = .Range("a16").End(xlToRight).Column
  21.         Set mRng = .Range("a17").Resize(5, mCol)
  22.         Set mRng1 = .Range("b25").Resize(5, .Range("b25").End(xlToRight).Column - 1)
  23.         Set mRng2 = Union(mRng, mRng1)
  24.         Set mRng3 = .Range("a1").Resize(14, mCol)
  25.     End With
  27.     oldmonth = Month(Date)
  28.     If oldmonth = "1" Then
  29.         oldmonth = "12"
  30.     Else
  31.         oldmonth = oldmonth - 1
  32.     End If
  33.     Call changeMonth(oldmonth)
  34.     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  36.     Set mChart = mSht1.ChartObjects.Add(mRng3.Left, mRng3.Top, mRng3.Width, mRng3.Height)
  37.     With mChart
  38.         .Name = "¦UÃö°Ï³fª«¦s©ñ³B©Ò²Î­pªí"
  39.     End With
  41.     mTotal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(mRng2)
  42.     Select Case mTotal
  44.     Case 1 To 50
  45.         mTotal = "50"
  46.      Case 51 To 100
  47.         mTotal = "100"
  48.     Case 101 To 150
  49.         mTotal = "150"
  50.     Case 151 To 200
  51.         mTotal = "200"
  52.     Case 201 To 250
  53.         mTotal = "250"
  54.     Case 251 To 300
  55.         mTotal = "300"
  56.     Case 301 To 350
  57.         mTotal = "350"
  58.     Case 351 To 400
  59.         mTotal = "400"
  60.     Case 401 To 450
  61.         mTotal = "450"
  62.     Case 451 To 500
  63.         mTotal = "500"
  64.     End Select
  66.     Set mRng4 = mSht1.Rows(24).Find(what:="Á`­p ¡G", after:=mSht1.Range("a24"), LookIn:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)
  67.     If Not mRng4 Is Nothing Then
  68.         sumTotal = mRng4.Offset(6).Value
  69.     End If
  71.     With mChart.Chart
  72.         .SetSourceData Source:=mRng2, PlotBy:=xlRows
  73.         '­Ó§O³]¸m¼Æ¦C½d³ò
  74.     .SeriesCollection(1).XValues = _
  75.         "=(·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R17C2:R17C20,·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R25C2:R25C6)"
  76.     .SeriesCollection(1).Values = _
  77.         "=(·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R18C2:R18C20,·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R26C2:R26C6)"
  78.     .SeriesCollection(1).Name = "=·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R18C1"
  79.     .SeriesCollection(2).XValues = _
  80.         "=(·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R17C2:R17C20,·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R25C2:R25C6)"
  81.     .SeriesCollection(2).Values = _
  82.         "=(·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R19C2:R19C20,·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R27C2:R27C6)"
  83.     .SeriesCollection(2).Name = "=·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R19C1"
  84.     .SeriesCollection(3).XValues = _
  85.         "=(·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R17C2:R17C20,·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R25C2:R25C6)"
  86.     .SeriesCollection(3).Values = _
  87.         "=(·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R20C2:R20C20,·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R28C2:R28C6)"
  88.     .SeriesCollection(3).Name = "=·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R20C1"
  89.     .SeriesCollection(4).XValues = _
  90.         "=(·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R17C2:R17C20,·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R25C2:R25C6)"
  91.     .SeriesCollection(4).Values = _
  92.         "=(·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R21C2:R21C20,·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R29C2:R29C6)"
  93.     .SeriesCollection(4).Name = "=·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí!R21C1"
  94.     '§R°£¿ù»~¼Æ¦C
  95.     Do Until .SeriesCollection.Count = 4
  96.     .SeriesCollection(5).Delete
  97.     Loop
  98.     .Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí"
  99.         .HasTitle = True
  100.         .ChartType = xlColumnClustered
  101.         .HasLegend = True
  102.         .ApplyDataLabels xlDataLabelsShowValue
  103.         .Axes(xlCategory).TickLabels.Orientation = xlHorizontal
  104.         .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "  " & oldmonth & " ¤ë¥÷¦UÃö°Ï³fª«¦s©ñ³B©Ò²Î­pªí (" & sumTotal & " ¥÷)"
  105.         .ChartTitle.Font.Bold = False
  106.         .ChartTitle.Font.Size = 12
  107.         With .Axes(Type:=xlValue)
  108.             .HasTitle = True
  109.             .AxisTitle.Text = "³fª«¦s©ñ³B©Ò"
  110.              .AxisTitle.Orientation = xlVertical
  111.              .MaximumScale = mTotal
  112.         End With
  113.         .ChartArea.Font.Size = 8
  114.         .ChartTitle.Font.Size = 10
  115.      End With
  117.     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  119.     Set mRng = Nothing
  120.     Set mRng1 = Nothing
  121.     Set mRng2 = Nothing
  122.     Set mRng3 = Nothing
  123.     Set mChart = Nothing
  124. End Sub


Do Until .SeriesCollection.Count = 4



¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ GBKEE ©ó 2012-4-5 08:13 ½s¿è

¦^´_ 5# dechiuan999
Do Until .SeriesCollection.Count = 4        '°õ¦æ°j°é:  Until ( ¤@ª½¨ì)  ±ø¥ó¦¨¥ß(¼Æ¦CªºÁ`¼Æ=4 ) ®É ¤£°õ¦æ°j°é
.SeriesCollection(5).Delete                          '§R°£²Ä5­Ó¼Æ¦C¸ê®Æ
  1. Option Explicit
  2. Sub Ex()
  3.      Dim Rng(2) As Range, xl As Integer
  4.      With Worksheets("·í¤ë²Î­pªí¤Î¹Ïªí")
  5.         .ChartObjects.Delete                            '§R°£©Ò¦³¹Ïªí
  6.         Set Rng(0) = .Range("a1").Resize(.[a1].End(xlDown).Row - 1, .[a1].End(xlDown).End(xlToRight).Column)        '¹Ïªí©ñ¸m½d³ò
  7.         Set Rng(1) = .[B17:T21]                         '°ò¶©,¥x¥_´ä,¤»°ô,«n®rªøºa,®ç¶é µ¥Ãö¼Æ¾Ú
  8.         Set Rng(2) = .[B25:F29]                         '¤­°ôÃö¼Æ¾Ú
  9.         With .ChartObjects.Add(Rng(0)(1).Left, Rng(0)(1).Top, Rng(0).Width, Rng(0).Height).Chart
  10.            .Parent.Name = "¦UÃö°Ï³fª«¦s©ñ³B©Ò²Î­pªí"
  11.             For xl = 2 To Rng(1).Rows.Count
  12.                 With .SeriesCollection.NewSeries        '«Ø¥ß·s¼Æ¦C
  13.                     .Name = Rng(1).Cells(xl, 0)         '¦C¦WºÙ
  14.                     .Values = "=" & Rng(1).Rows(xl).Address(, , xlR1C1, 1) & "," & Rng(2).Rows(xl).Address(, , xlR1C1, 1)
  15.                                                         '.Values:  ·s¼Æ¦Cªº­È-> ³s±µ Rng(1),Rng(2) ªº R1C1¦¡ ¦ì§}
  16.                     .XValues = "=" & Rng(1).Rows(1).Address(, , xlR1C1, 1) & "," & Rng(2).Rows(1).Address(, , xlR1C1, 1)
  17.                                                         ' .XValues: ·s¼Æ¦C X¶b¼ÐÅÒ
  18.                 End With
  19.             Next
  20.             .HasTitle = True                            '·s¼W¹Ïªí«á ¨S¦³«ü©w¹Ïªí¸ê®Æ½d³ò ©T¶·¦b  ¸ê®Æ½d³ò«ü©w«á
  21.            .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = Format(DateAdd("M", -1, Date), "oooo") & " ¥÷¦UÃö°Ï³fª«¦s©ñ³B©Ò²Î­pªí ( " & Application.Sum(Rng(1), Rng(2)) & " ¥÷)"            
  22.            .ApplyDataLabels AutoText:=True             '¦Û°ÊÅã¥Ü¾A·íªº¼Æ­È
  23.         End With
  24.     End With
  25. End Sub







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