ªð¦^¦Cªí ¤W¤@¥DÃD µo©«




(n) À]ªø¡FºÞ²zªÌ The director gave us work to do.
(n) ¼i¾ú¡A²¾ú If you want a job, write a good resume.
(n) ª¾ÃÑ¡F¾Ç°Ý She has knowledge of ancient history.
(v) °Q½× Let's discuss your idea.
(n) ¦a²z¡F¦a²z¾Ç Steve likes to learn about geography.
(n) ¹q¼v This movie is exciting!
(n) Å|¡F°ï Put all those books in a pile.
(n) ¸gÅç¡F¸g¾ú Jen has many years of experience.
(phr v) ÂsÄý¡A§Ö³t¬Ý Tony looked through all the books.
(adj) ¥Í¨Ó´N¦³ªº¡F¥X¥Íªº Wendy was born in August.
(v) ÃhºÃ¡F¤£¬Û«H I doubt Liam knows all the answers.
(n) ²¼¡F¤J³õ¨é We need tickets for the show.
(n) Ãz¦Ìªá Let's buy some popcorn.
(n) ¶¼®Æ Fran buys drinks at the store.
(n) ³õ´º¡A¤@¹õÀ¸¡FÃèÀY I enjoy the action scenes.
(dj) ¦³½ìªº¡F·Æ½]ªº Glenn told us  funny story.
(v) ¬ï¡]¦çªA¡^¡FÀ¹¡]­º¹¢µ¥¡^ Wht ht will you wer?
(n) ¤j¦ç¡F¥~®M The coat is too big for you.
(n) ¥i¤f¥i¼Ö Jesse wants a Coke.
(n) ºØÃþ There are many kinds of dogs.
(n) «_ÀI¡]¬¡°Ê¡B¸g¾ú¡^ Let's go on an adventure this weekend!
(adj) ¥i©Èªº¡FÀ~¤Hªº Stella saw a scary movie last night.
(adj) ·Å·xªº¡F·x©Mªº This jacket keeps me warm.
(n) ¹u¤l My favorite boots are brown.
(adj) ¿n³·ªº¡F¤U³·ªº¡F¦h³·ªº He walked through the snowy field.
(adj) ºòªº These pants are too tight.
(n) ¤@Âù¡A¤@°Æ Stella is wearing a new pair of pants.
(n) ºt¥X¸`¥Ø¡Fªíºt Let's go see a show at the theater.
(n) »R»O He watched the play on the stage.
(v) Á|°_¡A´£°_¡A¤É°_ She couldn't lift the heavy suitcase.
(n) ¤ò¦ç¡A°w´®M­m This sweater is a gift from my mom.
(n) ³ò¤y He wore a red scarf around his neck.
(n) ³s«ü¤â®M These mittens are too big for my hands.
(n) »RÁкt­û¡F¸õ»RªÌ There are many good dancers in this show.      dance(v) ¸õ»R      Let's dance to the music.
(n) Æ[²³¡AÅ¥²³¡A»P·|ªÌ The audience laughed at the funny show.
(adv) ´X¥G¡A®t¤£¦h¡A±Nªñ Emma is almost 10 years old.
(v) ¼Æ¡]«ö¶¶§Ç¡^¡F­pºâ Can you help me count the books?
(prep) ¥[¡]¤W¡^ Two plus eight is ten.
(v) °£¥H Divide 10 by two and you get five.
(n) ¤¸¡]¬ü°ê¡B¥[®³¤jµ¥°êªº³f¹ô³æ¦ì¡^ The toy costs 50 dollars.
(v) ´î¥h Subtract six from 12 to get six.
(adj) ªñªº¡A¾aªñªº I sat close to the wall.
(v) §â¡K¬Û¥[ Add the numbers together.
(n) Á`¼Æ¡A¦X­p Add the numbers and tell me the total.
(v) ­¼¡A¨Ï¬Û­¼ Multiply four times four to get 16.
(n)(¤@¡^¬ü¤À¡]¹ô­È¡^ There are 100 cents in a dollar.
(prep) ´î¡]¥h¡^ Four minus three is one.
(adj) »·ªº¡F»»»·ªº My home is too far away.
(v) Àˬd The nurse checks your blood pressure.
(adj) ²M¼äªº¡A°®²bªº Janice keeps a clean kitchen.
(n) ®qÀ¬ Take a boat to the island.
(n) Âr¥¬ Lots of water comes over the waterfall.
(adj) ¬ü¨ý¥i¤fªº This food is really delicious!
(n) »ñ±ù Her favorite fruit is pineapple.
(n) Áô§Î²´Ãè Do you wear contact lenses?
(adj) ¬üÄRªº¡Aº}«Gªº Let's watch the beautiful sunset.
(n) ­^¨½¡]¬Û·í1.6¤½¨½¡^ I walked 3 miles to her house.
(n) ¤õ¤s Smoke is coming from the volcano.
(n) ³½¦×¡F³½ There are many fish in the ocean.
(n) ­·´º¡A´º¦â I love the scenery near the mountains.
(n) ®ü¬v¡F¤j®ü Penny went to swim in the ocean.
(n) ºµ Look at that big bear!
(n) ª°¯W That tiny fox has big ears.
(n) ªøÀV³À Giraffes don't drink a lot of water.
(n) ·à¤l How many lions are at this zoo?
(n) µR¤û Rhinoceroses are big animals.
(n) ¤j¶H Elephants weigh a lot.
(n) µU¤l The monkey ran up the tree.
(n) ¨Æ¹ê¡F¯u¬Û¡F¹ê»Ú¸ê°T Gary knows a lot of facts.
(n) ¤½¤Ø¡A¦Ì Taipei 101 is more than 500 meters tall.
(n) ¦Ñªê The tiger moved quietly.
(n) ¤½¤ç The dog weighed just 3 kilograms.
(n) ­·®æ¡F§@­· These boots aren't my style.
(n) ¤û¥J¿Ç Put on a pair of jeans.
(adj) «ÜÁV¿|ªº¡F·¥®tªº That movie was terrible!
(v) ºÉ±¡¨É¥Î¡]¬ü¨ý¨ÎÀa¡^ We have tons of food to feast on.
(n) µfÁ¦¡A¦a¥Ê Sweet potatoes are delicious.
(adj) ·P®¦ªº¡F·PÁªº I am thankful for good friends.
(adj) ¬y¦æªº¡A®É»ìªº These clothes are very fashionable.
(n) ¬v¸Ë¡A³s¦ç¸È She often wears a dress to school.
(v) ¼y¯¬¡A¼y¶P When do you celebrate your birthday?
(n) ¤õÂû¦×¡F¤õÂû We ate turkey all week.
(n) ½¯¶V²ùÂæ My mom makes great cranberry sauce.
(n) ÀY¸£¡F¤ß´¼ Reading can calm your mind.
(v) ­°§C¡A¡]¨Ï¡^¤U­° Can you lower your voice?
(adj) ­t­±ªº¡A®ø·¥ªº Dana can be very negative sometimes.
(n) °Æ¥»¡A½Æ»s«~¡A«þ¨© How many copies do you need?
(n) «ö¶s¡A«öÁä Push this button on the machine.
(idiom) À°¡]¬Y¤H¡^¦£ Can you give me a hand with this table?
(n) ¶l§½ Take these letters to the post office.
(adj) ¥Í®ðªº¡Aµo«ãªº My parents are angry at me for lying.
(n) ¦P¨Æ¡A¦P¹± My coworkers and I get along well.
(v) ¿ï¾Ü Choose a color.
(n) ½c¡F²°¡F§X Put the books in this box.
(adj) ¼Ö·Nªº¡AÄ@·Nªº I'm willing to take the dog for a walk.
(n) ÃøÃD¡F§x¹Ò Kate is having difficulty with her car.
(n) ¹q¸£ Use a computer to find the information.
(adj) ¶Ë¤ßªº¡A¥O¤HÃø¹Lªº I was sad to leave.
(pl n) ·Pı¡F·P¨ü¡F±¡ºü Mia has mixed feelings about the move.
(v)(¨Ï¡^»EµJ¡F¡]¨Ï¡^¶°¤¤¥Ø¥ú You should focus more on your work.
(adj) ©ê¦³§Æ±æªº¡A¥Rº¡§Æ±æªº He's hopeful he'll win the game.
(adj) ¤£½T©wªº¡F¯Ê¥F«H¤ßªº I am unsure when I start a new project.
(v) §Ñ°O Don't forget to do your homework.
(adj) ²V¦Xªº¡AºUÂøªº The play got mixed reviews.
(adj) ¤£°ª¿³ªº¡F¤£º¡·Nªº Eric is unhappy with his job.
(adj) °ª¿³ªº¡F´r§Öªº I'm so glad the weather is nice!
(v)(¨Ï¡^¶}¤ß¡F¡]¨Ï¡^º¡·N We're so pleased you came to visit.
(v) ¥[¤J¡F°Ñ¥[ He joined the gym this week.
(n) ºô²y¡]¹B°Ê¡^ Jim watches tennis on TV.
(n) ²y³õ¡]ºô²y¡AÄx²yµ¥¡^ Let's play tennis on this court.
(prep) ¶V¹L¡]±q¤@Ãä¨ì¥t¤@Ãä¡^ The bridge goes across the river.
(n) ²y©ç¡]ºô²y¡B¦Ð²yµ¥¡^ Martina needs a new racket.
(n) ²yºô¡]¤À¹jÂù¤è¡^ Kelsie hit the ball into the net.
50 ¦r¸`¥H¤º
¤£¤ä«ù¦Û©w¸q Discuz! ¥N½X

¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ n7822123 ©ó 2018-10-23 12:32 ½s¿è

¦^´_ 1# ¦Û§Ú·Pı¨}¦n

(n) À]ªø¡FºÞ²zªÌThe director gave us work to do.
(n) À]ªø¡FºÞ²zªÌ The director gave us work to do.

Sub test()
A = "(n) À]ªø¡FºÞ²zªÌThe director gave us work to do."
For i = 1 To Len(A)
  If Asc(Mid(A, i, 1)) >= 65 And Asc(Mid(A, i, 1)) <= 90 Then A = Left(A, i - 1) & " " & Mid(A, i): Exit For
MsgBox A
End Sub


¦^´_ 2# n7822123
  1. Option Explicit
  2. Sub Ex()
  3.     Dim A As Range, B As Variant, i As Integer
  4.     For Each A In Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown))  'A1 ©¹¤U¨ì³Ì«á¤@µ§¸ê®Æ
  5.         B = ""
  6.         For i = 1 To Len(A)
  7.             If Mid(A, i, 1) Like "[A-Z]" Then B = IIf(B = "", Mid(A, i, 1), B & "," & Mid(A, i, 1))
  8.             '§ä¨ì¤j¼gªº¦r¥À ¾É¤JÅܼÆ
  9.         Next
  10.         If B <> "" Then        '¦³§ä¨ì¤j¼gªº¦r¥À
  11.             B = Split(B, ",")  '§ä¨ì¤j¼g¦r¥Àªº°}¦C
  12.             For i = 0 To UBound(B)
  13.                 A = Replace(A, B(i), " " & B(i))  '¥[¤JªÅ®æ
  14.             Next
  15.             Do While InStr(A, Space(2))         '¥]§t¦³¨â®æªºªÅ¥Õ¦r¤¸
  16.                 A = Replace(A, Space(2), Space(1))  '®ø°£ ¨â®æªºªÅ¥Õ¦r¤¸ ¬°¤@®æªºªÅ¥Õ¦r¤¸
  17.             Loop
  18.         End If
  19.     Next
  20. End Sub
¦ý¸ê·½µL­­,«á´©¦³­­,  ¤@¤Ñ1¤¸ªºÃÙ§U,¤H¤H¦³¯à¤O.


Sub TEST_01()
Dim xR As Range, T$, C%
For Each xR In Range([A1], [A65536].End(xlUp))
    For i = 2 To Len(xR)
        T = Mid(xR, i, 1)
        If T Like "[A-Z]" And Mid(xR, i - 1, 1) <> " " Then C = 1: Exit For
    Next i
    xR(1, 2) = Replace(xR, T, " " & T, 1, C):  C = 0
End Sub


50 ¦r¸`¥H¤º
¤£¤ä«ù¦Û©w¸q Discuz! ¥N½X


¦^´_ 5# ¦Û§Ú·Pı¨}¦n



¦^´_ 1# ¦Û§Ú·Pı¨}¦n
  1. Sub Test()
  2.     Dim reg As Object
  3.     Set reg = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
  4.     reg.Pattern = "([A-Z])"
  5.     s1 = "(n) À]ªø¡FºÞ²zªÌThe director gave us work to do."
  6.     s2 = reg.Replace(s1, " $1")
  7.     MsgBox s2
  8. End Sub


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