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Leov18-2.xls ¤¤¥u¦³¹Ú·Q Leov18-1.xls ¤¤¦³¹Ú·Q,99,100¸Ì±³£¬O¤½¦¡
µ¹§Aªºµ{¦¡¤¤ .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas) ´N¬O¤½¦¡ªº°Ñ¼Æ
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- Sub ¦~«×¶µ¥Ø()
- Dim Y, C%, TILE$, Sh As Worksheet
- Sheets("º¶").Activate
- On Error GoTo Er:
- Ag:
- Y = Application.InputBox("¿é¤J¦~«×" & TILE, , 99)
- If Y = False Then Exit Sub
- If Y = "¹Ú·Q" Then
- Set Sh = Sheets("¹Ú·Q")
- Else
- Set Sh = Sheets(Y & "¦~«×¹Ú·Q")
- End If
- With Range("A4:E4")
- .Insert 'Shift:=xlDown
- .Cells(0, 1).NumberFormatLocal = "YYYY/MM/DD"
- .Cells(0, 1) = Y & "/1/1"
- .Cells(0, 2) = Sh.Name
- For I = 1 To Sh.Range("A:A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas).Cells.Count
- .Cells(0, I + 2) = Sh.Range("A:A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas).Areas(I)
- Next
- End With
- Exit Sub
- Er:
- TILE = Chr(10) & " *** §ä¤£¨ì " & Y & "¦~«×¹Ú·Q ¤u§@ªí ***"
- Resume Ag
- End Sub
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