ªð¦^¦Cªí ¤W¤@¥DÃD µo©«

[µo°Ý] ­ÓªÑ¾ú¥v»ù®æªí

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       ¥B­ì¨Óªº°Ñ¼Æ¬° "&ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$startText=" & StartDate ªº®æ¦¡


   Sub ¹d¦ë¾ú¥vK_Test()
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim oXmlhttp As Object, oHtmldoc As Object
    Dim URL As String, E As Variant
    Dim StartDate$, EndDate$, submitBTN$, ttt#, tt#
    Dim a As Variant, Table As Object, Ar_Code()
    Dim oDOC As Object, Req$
    Dim Re%, Ce%, k%, n%, i%, dataLen%
    Dim stockno$
    Set sh = Sheets("¸ÕÅç­¶"): sh.Select
    stockno = "2330"
      StartDate = Format("2010/01/01", "yyyy-mm-dd")    '°_©l¤é´Á
      EndDate = Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd")
      StartDate = "jsx-197276814 date_start=" & StartDate   '(??)
      EndDate = "& jsx-197276814 date_end=" & EndDate   '(??)
      submitBTN = "& jsx-197276814 action_submit=®M¥Î"   '(??)
      Req = StartDate & EndDate & submitBTN                         '(??)
    i = 0: k = 0
    ttt = timer
    Set oXmlhttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    Set oHtmldoc = CreateObject("htmlfile")

    Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
    With oXmlhttp
            URL = "https://invest.cnyes.com/twstock/tws/" & stockno & "/history"
            .Open "POST", URL, False
            .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            .setRequestHeader "Referer", URL
            .setRequestHeader "Cache-Control", "no-cache"
            .setRequestHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"
            .setRequestHeader "If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"
            .send Req
             tt = timer
            Do While .Status <> 200 And timer - tt < 3
''''           DoEvents
            If .Status <> 200 Then
                Set oXmlhttp = Nothing
                Exit Sub
            End If

           oHtmldoc.write .responsetext

            Set E = oHtmldoc.all.tags("TABLE")(0)
            If E Is Nothing Then
                Debug.Print stockno & " E.Table = Null"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            dataLen = E.Rows.Length
            ReDim price(dataLen, 8)
            For Re = 1 To dataLen - 1
                  price(Re, 1) = E.Rows(Re).Cells(0).innertext          '¤é´Á
                  For Ce = 1 To 7
                        If Ce = 6 Then
                            '¥h°£ %
                            price(Re, Ce + 1) = Val(Replace(E.Rows(Re).Cells(Ce).innertext, "%", ""))
                            '¥h°£¤d¤À¸¹¡A¶}¡B°ª¡B§C¡B¦¬¡Bº¦¶^  º¦% ¦¨¥æ¶q ' ¦¨¥æª÷ÃB
                            price(Re, Ce + 1) = Val(Replace(E.Rows(Re).Cells(Ce).innertext, ",", ""))
                        End If
'''           Debug.Print timer - ttt

    End With
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
    Set oXmlhttp = Nothing
    Set oHtmldoc = Nothing
    Set E = Nothing
    [A1].Resize(dataLen, 8) = price
    Exit Sub   
End Sub


¦^´_ 1# Scott090






¦^´_ 2# joey0415

ÁÂÁÂjoey04152¤j ªº«ü¾É


¦^´_ 2# joey0415

  ¸Õ§@¦p¤U¡A½Ð joey0415 ¤j°Ñ¦Ò©ò¥¿¡AÁÂÁ¡G

  Option Base 1  
'myArr() ªºÄæ¦ì¡G ¤é´Á¡B¶}¡B°ª¡B§C¡B¦¬¡Bº¦¡Bº¦%¡B±i¼Æ
'¹d¦ë¸ê®Æ¦C ¡G¤é´Á¡B¶}¡B°ª¡B§C¡B¦¬¡B±i¼Æ
Sub ¹d¦ë¾ú¥vK_Test1()
      Dim stockno$, myTEXT, myText1
      Dim sh As Worksheet
      Dim T!, recCAT$, i%, j%, k%, n%, Trade%, BarCntReq%
      Dim myXML As Object, URL$, myArr
      Dim StartDate&, EndDate&
      Const Dat% = 1, Op% = 2, Hi% = 3, Low% = 4, Klose% = 5, CHG% = 6, CHGpercent% = 7, Vol% = 8    'for myArr
      StartDate = DateToUnixTime("2020/01/02")
      EndDate = DateToUnixTime(Format(Date, "yyyy/mm/dd"))
      Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
      Application.StatusBar = stockno & " ³sºô¤¤... "
      Set myXML = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
      recCAT = "D"          '¤é½u¹Ï
      URL = "https://ws.api.cnyes.com/charting/api/v1/history?resolution=" & recCAT & "&symbol=TWS:2330:STOCK&from=" & EndDate & "&to=" & StartDate
      T = timer
      With myXML
          .Open "GET", URL, False
          Do While .Status <> 200
             If timer - T > 3 Then Exit Do
          myTEXT = .responsetext                '¤å¦r¦ê .txt
      End With
      Set myXML = Nothing
      If myTEXT = "" Then GoTo Exit_Sub
      myTEXT = Split(myTEXT, ":")
      myText1 = Split(Replace(Replace(myTEXT(5), "[", ""), "]", ""), ",")
      n = UBound(myText1): ReDim myArr(n + 1, 8)
      For i = 0 To UBound(myText1) - 1
          myArr(i + 1, 1) = UnixTime2Date(myText1(i))

          k = 4
      For j = 6 To 10         '¶}¡B°ª¡B§C¡B¦¬¡B±i¼Æ
          myText1 = Split(myTEXT(j), ",")
          If j = 10 Then k = 2               '±±¨î myArr ªº¦æ¼Æ(column), ²Ä8¦æ¬O±i¼Æ
          For i = 0 To n - 1
               myArr(i + 1, j - k) = myText1(i)
          myArr(1, j - k) = Replace(myArr(1, j - k), "[", ""): myArr(n, j - k) = Replace(myArr(n, j - k), "]", "")
      Next j
      For i = 1 To n - 1
          myArr(i, 6) = myArr(i, 5) - myArr(i + 1, 5): myArr(i, 7) = Format(myArr(i, 6) / myArr(i + 1, 5) * 100, "#0.00")    'º¦¶^¡Bº¦¶^%
      Set myXML = Nothing
      Application.StatusBar = ""
      Application.DisplayStatusBar = False

End Sub

Function DateToUnixTime(dstring) As Long
      DateToUnixTime = (DateValue(dstring) - #1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM#) * 86400
End Function

Function UnixTime2Date(UnixT) As Date
      UnixTime2Date = Format(UnixT / 86400 + #1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM#, "yyyy/mm/dd")
End Function


¦^´_ 1# Scott090

   ¤w§ï¬°¡G "https://www.cnyes.com/archive/twstock/ps_historyprice/2330.htm"
       ¥B­ì¨Óªº°Ñ¼Æ¬° "&ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$startText=" & StartDate ªº®æ¦¡¤@¼Ë¥i¥Î



¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ GBKEE ©ó 2020-4-14 18:27 ½s¿è

¦^´_ 5# Scott090
½Ð¤F¸Ñ ºô­¶±±¨î¶µ¤º®e
  1. '****¿ï¾Ü®É¶¡°Ï¶¡ªº¦U«ö¶s   [ ºô­¶±±¨î¶µ¤º®e]  ********
  2. '<button class="jsx-197276814 period_btn" data-period="1d">1¤é</button>
  3. '<button class="jsx-197276814 period_btn" data-period="5d">5¤é</button>
  4. '<button class="jsx-197276814 period_btn" data-period="3m">3¤ë</button>
  5. '<button class="jsx-197276814 period_btn" data-period="6m">6¤ë</button>
  6. '<button class="jsx-197276814 period_btn" data-period="thisYear">¤µ¦~¥H¨Ó</button>
  7. '<button class="jsx-197276814 period_btn" data-period="1y">1¦~</button>
  8. '<button class="jsx-197276814 period_btn" data-period="5y">5¦~</button>
  9. '<button class="jsx-197276814 period_btn" data-period="10y">³Ì¤j</button>
  10. '<button class="jsx-197276814 period_btn period_btn--active" data-period="3m">3¤ë</button>
  11. '****¿ï¾Ü®É¶¡°Ï¶¡«á«ö¤U (®M¥Î) ªº«ö¶s   [ ºô­¶±±¨î¶µ¤º®e]  ********
  12. '<button class="jsx-197276814 action_submit">®M¥Î</button>
  13. ''****¿ï¾Ü®É¶¡°Ï¶¡«á«ö¤U(®M¥Î)«ö¶s©ÒÅã¥Üªº¤é´Á      [ ºô­¶±±¨î¶µ¤º®e]  ********
  14. '<span class=    "jsx-197276814 btn_txt">2020/04/09 - 2020/04/14</span></button>
  15. ''****ºô­¶©ÒÅã¥ÜªÑ²¼ªº¦WºÙ      [ ºô­¶±±¨î¶µ¤º®e]  ********
  16. '<h2 class="jsx-969407034 jsx-1444699802 sub_title">¥x¿n¹q</h2>
Ū¨úºô­¶¸ê®Æªºµ{¦¡½X ½Æ»s¦b¦P¤@¼Ò²Õ¤¤
  1. Option Explicit
  2. Sub Ex_¹d¦ëºô_¾ú¥v»ù®æ()
  3.     Dim e As Object, R As Double, C As Integer
  4.      Àˬd
  5.     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  6.     With CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
  7.       '  .Visible = True
  8.         .Navigate "https://invest.cnyes.com/twstock/tws/" & [B1] & "/history"
  9.         Do While .Busy Or .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
  10.         If InStr(.Document.BODY.INNERTEXT, "±z·Q¬Ýªº­¶­±¤£¦s¦b") Then
  11.             .Quit    ''**   ±z·Q¬Ýªº­¶­±¤£¦s¦b
  12.             MsgBox [B1] & "  §ä¤£¨ì ??? ":             End
  13.         End If
  14.         For Each e In .Document.ALL.TAGS("BUTTON")               '**«ü©w®É¶¡°Ï¶¡
  15.             If e.CLASSNAME = "jsx-197276814 period_btn" And e.INNERTEXT = [D1].Text Then e.Click:  Exit For
  16.         Next
  17.         Do While .Busy Or .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
  18.         For Each e In .Document.ALL.TAGS("BUTTON")               '**«ü©w®É¶¡°Ï¶¡«á«ö¤U(®M¥Î)Áä
  19.             If e.CLASSNAME = "jsx-197276814 action_submit" And e.INNERTEXT = "®M¥Î" Then e.Click: Exit For
  20.         Next
  21.         Do While .Busy Or .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
  22.         For Each e In .Document.ALL.TAGS("H2")                            '**Åã¥ÜªÑ²¼ªº¦WºÙ
  23.             If e.CLASSNAME = "jsx-969407034 jsx-1444699802 sub_title" Then Range("B2") = e.INNERTEXT:  Exit For
  24.         Next
  25.         For Each e In .Document.ALL.TAGS("SPAN")                       '**Åã¥Ü©Ò«ü©wªº®É¶¡°Ï¶¡
  26.             If e.CLASSNAME = "jsx-197276814 btn_txt" Then Range("D2") = e.INNERTEXT:  Exit For
  27.         Next
  28.         '*********************µ¥­Ô¸ê®Æ¤U¸ü§¹¦¨***********************************************
  29.         Do While .Busy Or .readyState <> 4 And .Document.ALL.TAGS("table")(0) Is Nothing: DoEvents: Loop
  30.         '********************¸ê®Æ¤º®e¾É¤J¤u§@ªí***********
  31.         With .Document.ALL.TAGS("table")(0)
  32.             For R = 0 To .Rows.Length - 1
  33.                 For C = 0 To .Rows(R).Cells.Length - 1
  34.                     Cells(R + 3, C + 1) = .Rows(R).Cells(C).INNERTEXT
  35.                 Next
  36.             Next
  37.         End With
  38.         .Quit     '*********Ãö³¬ºô­¶
  39.     End With
  40.     [f1] = "***¸ê®Æ¤U¸ü §¹¦¨***"
  41.    Exit Sub
  42. End Sub
  43. Private Sub Àˬd()
  44.          ''**¿ï¾Ü®É¶¡°Ï¶¡-> Range("B2") ªº³B¦s®æ ¾É¤J[ÅçÃÒ¸ê®Æ]
  45.         With Range("D1").Validation
  46.             .Delete
  47.             .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
  48.             xlBetween, Formula1:="1¤é,5¤é,3¤ë,6¤ë,¤µ¦~¥H¨Ó,1¦~,5¦~,³Ì¤j"   '
  49.         End With
  50.         If [B1] = "" Or [D1] = "" Then    '** Range("B2")  »Ý¬OªÑ²¼¥N¸¹
  51.             MsgBox "ªÑ²¼¸¹½X??  Or ®É¶¡°Ï¶¡ >>"
  52.              End         '***µ²§ôµ{¦¡
  53.          End If
  54.         UsedRange.Offset(1).Clear
  55.       [f1] = "***¸ê®Æ¤U¸ü¤¤....***"
  56.       Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  57.       Application.Wait (Time + #12:00:01 AM#)
  58. End Sub
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¦^´_ 6# GBKEE

    ·P®¦ GBKEE ¤j


¦^´_ 7# Scott090

01¨ºÃä¤W¬P´Á´N¦³cnyesªºXml json code


¦^´_ 8# quickfixer

    mobile01 ½×¾Â¶Ü?
ÁÂÁ quickfixer ¤jªº°T®§


¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Scott090 ©ó 2020-4-16 06:12 ½s¿è

¦^´_ 8# quickfixer

    quickfixer ¤j:
    https://www.mobile01.com/topicde ... ;t=4737630&p=77
    ¥i§_©ú¥Ü¬O²Ä´X¼Ó©Î¥Lªº Xml json code



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