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- 2022-1-23
¦^´_ 1# eric7765 - Option Explicit
- Sub Ex_ºô¸ô¶l§½()
- With CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
- .Visible = True
- '.Navigate "http://hk799.net/" '***³oºô§}©Úµ´Åª¨ú
- .Navigate "https://hk799.net/tpl/login_webmail.php" '***§ï¥Î³oºô§}¸Õ¸Õ¬Ý***
- Do While .Busy Or .ReadyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
- '<input name="inpN" tabindex="1" class="save_01" id="inpN" type="text">
- .Document.getElementById("inpN").Value = "±b¸¹"
- '<input name="inpP" tabindex="2" class="save_01" id="inpP" type="password">
- .Document.getElementById("inpP").Value = "±K½X"
- Do While .Busy Or .ReadyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
- '<input name="loginbutton" tabindex="3" onclick="proLogin(document.kk.inpN.value,document.kk.inpP.value);" type="button" value="µn¤J">
- .Document.querySelector("input[name='loginbutton'][tabindex='3'][type='button']").FireEvent ("onclick")
- ' .Quit 'Ãö³¬ºô¶
- End With
- End Sub
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