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Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) '¥æ¤¬¬d¸ß
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 'Ãö³¬¦Û°Ê¹Bºâ
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:=3551 'ºM®ø¤u§@ªí«OÅ@¨Ã¨ú®ø±K½X
Dim i%, x(), y(), xy()
Dim F1 As Range
Dim rn As Range, tt As Range
On Error Resume Next
Application.EnableEvents = False
  With Sheets("¼t°Ó¸ê®Æ")
               Set F1 = .Columns(1).Find([C3])
               [c4] = .Cells(F1.Row, 2)
               [c5] = .Cells(F1.Row, 7)
              End With      
  Application.EnableEvents = True

Set T = Target
For Each tt In T
If tt.Column = 2 Then
   Set rn = Sheet1.[c:c].Find(tt, , , 1)
   If Not rn Is Nothing And tt.Offset(, 1) <> rn.Offset(, -1) Then
      tt.Offset(, 1) = rn.Offset(, -1).Value
      'tt.Offset(, 3) = rn.Offset(, 4).Value
     ' tt.Offset(, 6) = rn.Offset(, 1).Value
   End If
ElseIf tt.Column = 3 Then
   Set rn = Sheet1.[b:b].Find(tt, , , 1)
   If Not rn Is Nothing And tt.Offset(, -1) <> rn.Offset(, 1) Then
      tt.Offset(, -1) = rn.Offset(, 1).Value
     ' tt.Offset(, 2) = rn.Offset(, 5).Value
     ' tt.Offset(, 5) = rn.Offset(, 2).Value
   End If
End If
Next tt
Set T = Nothing: Set tt = Nothing

  Set U = Target  
  Set dbsheet = Sheets("¤Ñ®¦®Ñ¥Ø")
  Set myrange = dbsheet.Range("c2:c2020")
  For Each cell In U  
    rw = cell.Row '¦C
    cl = cell.Column 'Äæ
    Select Case cl
      Case 2, 3
        If cell = "" And rw > 6 Then  '«~¦W³Q²MªÅ,¤£Åã¥Ü
             Application.EnableEvents = False
             Range(Cells(rw, 7), Cells(rw, 16)).ClearContents
             Application.EnableEvents = True
         ElseIf cell <> "" And rw > 6 And cl = 2 Then 'Åã¥Ü¸ê®Æ,§YÅã¥Ü
             Set m = myrange.Find(cell, LookIn:=xlValues)
             Application.EnableEvents = False
             If Not m Is Nothing Then
                 rw2 = m.Row
              Cells(rw, 8) = dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 12)
              Cells(rw, 9) = dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 14)
              Cells(rw, 7) = dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 15)
              Cells(rw, 10) = dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 19)
              Cells(rw, 11) = dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 8)
              Cells(rw, 12) = dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 23)
              Cells(rw, 13) = dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 24)
              Cells(rw, 14) = dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 29)
               Cells(rw, 15) = dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 10)
               Cells(rw, 16) = dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 11)
             End If
            Set U = Nothing
             Application.EnableEvents = True
        End If
      Case 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
        If rw > 6 Then '­×§ï¸ê®Æ
             Set m = myrange.Find(Cells(rw, 2), LookIn:=xlValues)
             Application.EnableEvents = False
             If Not m Is Nothing Then
                 rw2 = m.Row
              dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 12) = Cells(rw, 8)
              dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 14) = Cells(rw, 9)
              dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 15) = Cells(rw, 7)
              dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 19) = Cells(rw, 10)
              dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 8) = Cells(rw, 11)
              dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 23) = Cells(rw, 12)
              dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 24) = Cells(rw, 13)
              dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 29) = Cells(rw, 14)
              dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 10) = Cells(rw, 15)
              dbsheet.Cells(rw2, 11) = Cells(rw, 16)
             End If
          Set U = Nothing
          Set dbsheet = Nothing
            Set myrange = Nothing
             Application.EnableEvents = True
        End If
    End Select
    Next cell
     On Error GoTo 1
  Set V = Target
  If V.Count > 1 Then End
  If V.Address Like "*$A$2*" Then
    x = Array("A", "B", "C")
    y = Array("A­Ü®w", "B­Ü®w", "C­Ü®w")
    If V = "¶i  ³f  ³æ" Or V = "ÃØ  ®Ñ  ³æ" Or V = "µo  ¦æ  ªÌ  ¨ú  ®Ñ  ³æ" Or V = "¨ú  ³f  ³æ" Then
      xy = x
      xy = y
    End If
    With [E7:E32].Validation
      .Add Type:=3, AlertStyle:=1, Operator:=1, Formula1:=Join(xy, ",")
    End With
  End If

Set V = Nothing
Set dbsheet = Nothing
Set myrange = Nothing
  Application.Calculate                                       '«ì´_¦Û°Ê¹Bºâ
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic   '«ì´_¦Û°Ê¹Bºâ
     Application.StatusBar = ´Nºü
   Application.EnableEvents = True

Set dbsheet = Nothing
Set myrange = Nothing
  Application.Calculate                                       '«ì´_¦Û°Ê¹Bºâ
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic   '«ì´_¦Û°Ê¹Bºâ
       Application.StatusBar = ´Nºü
   Application.EnableEvents = True

   End Sub

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¤£¥Î On Error Resume Next §Aªºµ{¦¡¤£¥i¦æ
  1. dbsheet.Close  'Worksheet ¨S¦³ Closeªº¤èªk
  2.           myrange.Quit  'Range ¨S¦³Quitªº¤èªk
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