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±N©Ò¦³ªº®Ö¨ú¤è¶ô «ü©w¥¨¶° ¬°¦¹µ{§Ç- Option Explicit
- Sub Ex()
- Dim D As Object, °Ï°ì As String, E, Check As Object
- Set D = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
- With sheet1
- Set Check = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).OLEFormat.Object '¿ï¨úªº ®Ö¨ú¤è¶ô
- °Ï°ì = Check.Caption '®Ö¨ú¤è¶ôªº¼ÐÃD¤å¦r
- For Each E In .Range("A9").CurrentRegion.Columns(1).Cells
- If E = °Ï°ì Then D(E.Cells(1, 2) & E.Cells(1, 3)) = E.Cells(1, 4)
- Next
- End With
- With sheet2
- For Each E In .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns(1).Cells
- If Check.Value=1 Then
- If D(E & E.Cells(1, 2)) <> "" Then E.Cells(1, 4) = D(E & E.Cells(1, 2)) + E.Cells(1, 3)
- Else
- If D(E & E.Cells(1, 2)) <> "" Then E.Cells(1, 4) = E.Cells(1, 3)
- End If
- Next
- End With
- End Sub
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