ªð¦^¦Cªí ¤W¤@¥DÃD µo©«

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Sub adr()
    Set Ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
'  Ie.Visible = True
       Ie.Navigate "https://tw.stock.yahoo.com/adr"
Do While Ie.Busy Or Ie.ReadyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
    Dim I As Integer, S As Integer, k As Integer, J As Integer
     Dim Element
    Set Element = Ie.document.getelementsbytagname("table")
    With Sheets("sheet1")
            For S = 0 To 5               
            For I = 0 To Element(S).Rows.Length - 1
                k = k + 1
                For J = 0 To Element(S).Rows(I).Cells.Length - 1
                 .Cells(k, J + 1) = Element(S).Rows(I).Cells(J).innerText
    End With
    Set Element = Nothing
End Sub

¦^´_ 1# t8899
  1. Option Explicit
  2. Sub Ex_©_¼¯ªÑ¥«ADR()
  3.     Dim E As Object, i As Integer, R As Integer, C As Integer
  4.     Dim SH As Worksheet, Span As Object, S As Variant
  5.     Dim Rng As Range
  6.     Set SH = Sheets(1)
  7.     SH.Cells.Clear
  8.     S = Split("ªÑ¦W/ªÑ¸¹,,ªÑ»ù,º¦¶^,º¦¶^´T(%),¶R¶i,½æ¥X,¶}½L,¬Q¦¬,³Ì°ª,³Ì§C,¦¨¥æ¶q (ªÑ),®É¶¡ (CST)", ",")
  9.     SH.Range("A1").Resize(, UBound(S) + 1) = S
  10.     With CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
  11.         .Visible = True
  12.         .Navigate "https://tw.stock.yahoo.com/adr"
  13.          Do While .Busy Or .ReadyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
  14.          Set E = .Document.querySelector("ul[class='M(0) P(0) List(n)']").all.tags("LI")
  15.         For i = 0 To E.Length - 1
  16.         '***** ¤¸¯À( LI )  Åª¨ú¾ã¦C.innertext   ²M°£ Chr(13) & Chr(10)  ¦r¤¸  *******************
  17.      '       S = Replace(E(i).innertext, Chr(13) & Chr(10), "*")
  18.       '      Do
  19.        '         S = Replace(S, "**", "*")
  20.         '    Loop While InStr(S, "**")
  21.          '   S = Split(Mid(S, 2), "*")
  22.           '  With SH.Cells(i + 2, 1).Resize(, UBound(S) + 1)
  23.            ' .Cells = S
  24.             '.Value = .Value
  25.            ' End With
  26.          '***** ¤¸¯À( LI )¤Uªº¤¸¯À(Span) Ū¨ú¾ã¦C.innertext   ²M°£ªÅ¥Õ¦r¤¸  *******************
  27.         Set Span = E(i).all.tags("span")
  28.            Set Rng = SH.Range("a" & i + 2)
  29.             For C = 1 To Span.Length - 1
  30.                     If Span(C).innertext <> "" Then
  31.                      Rng = Span(C).innertext
  32.                      Set Rng = Rng.Offset(, 1)
  33.                     End If
  34.             Next
  35.         Next
  36.         .Quit        'Ãö³¬ºô­¶
  37.     End With
  38. End Sub


¦^´_ 2# lee88



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