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¦^´_ 14# c_c_lai - With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(oShape.Name).Chart
- .HasAxis(xlCategory, xlPrimary) = True
- ' .HasAxis(xlCategory, xlPrimary) = False
- ' ¹Ïªí¤W©Ò¦s¦bªº®y¼Ð¶b ¦¹®y¼Ð¬° False ¤U±µ{¦¡·|¿ù»~
- .Axes(xlCategory).MajorTickMark = xlNone
- .Axes(xlCategory).TickLabelPosition = xlLow
- End With
- ActiveSheet.Shapes(oShape.Name).Left = Cells(3, 1).Left ' ³]©w¦¹¹Ïªí¹ê»ÚÂ\©ñªº X¡BY ®y¼Ð¦ì¸m¡C
- ActiveSheet.Shapes(oShape.Name).Top = Cells(3, 1).Top
- ' ±N쥻³]©w¤§°ª«×½Õ¦Ü¾A«×¦ì¸m
- ActiveSheet.Shapes(oShape.Name).Height = Cells(3, 1).Resize(20).Height
- ActiveSheet.Shapes(oShape.Name).Width = Cells(3, 1).Resize(, 10).Width
- '''*** InvertIfNegative, InvertColor ¤£¾A¥Î³o¹Ïªíªº«¬ºA
- '****¥Ñ©ó¹ï¹Ïªíªº¯AÂy©|¤Ö ©Ò¥H¥¿¦b´M§äµª®×¤¤ ©Î½Ð°ª¤â¬Û§U
- 'ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).InvertIfNegative = True
- 'ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).InvertColor = RGB(32, 178, 208)
- ' With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Format.Fill
- ' .Visible = msoTrue
- ' .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 69, 0)
- ' .Transparency = 0
- ' .Solid
- 'End With
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