ªð¦^¦Cªí ¤W¤@¥DÃD µo©«


¦^´_ 20# Hsieh
ÁÂÁÂhsiehª©¤j±x¤ß±Ð¾É, ¤j¤j¥Îªº±Æ§Ç¬O03ª©, ½Ð°Ý07ª©¤¤¦p¦ó¹B¥Î, ¦]À³07±Æ§Ç»P03¦ü¦³°Ï§O, ÁÂÁÂ!!


¦^´_ 21# ©P¤j°¶
  1. Private Sub Label1_Click() '·s¼W¸ê®Æ

  2. Dim Ar(), A As Range, B As Range, C As Range, MyPic As Shape
  3. Set dpic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

  4. Set C = Sheet1.[A:A].Find(TextBox1.Text, lookat:=xlWhole)

  5. If Not C Is Nothing Then MsgBox ("¾Ç¸¹­«½Æ¡A½Ð­«·sÀˬd"): Exit Sub

  6. fd = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"

  7. If Dir(fd & "Temp.bmp") <> "" Then Kill fd & "Temp.bmp"

  8. SavePicture Image1.Picture, fd & "Temp.bmp"

  9. obs = Array("TextBox1", "TextBox2", "TextBox3", "TextBox4", "TextBox5", "TextBox6", "ComboBox1", "TextBox7", "TextBox8", "TextBox9", "TextBox10", "TextBox11", "ComboBox2")

  10. For i = 0 To 12

  11.      ReDim Preserve Ar(i)

  12.      Ar(i) = Controls(obs(i)).Text

  13. Next

  14. With Sheet1

  15.    Set A = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1)

  16.    A.RowHeight = 79.8

  17.    Set B = A.Offset(, 13)

  18.    A.Resize(, 13) = Ar

  19.    Set MyPic = .Shapes.AddPicture(fd & "Temp.bmp", msoFalse, msoCTrue, B.Left, B.Top, B.Width, B.Height)

  20.    For Each pic In Sheet1.Shapes
  21.       If pic.Type = 13 Then dpic(.Cells(pic.TopLeftCell.Row, 1).Value) = pic.Name
  22.    Next

  23.    .Range("A3").CurrentRegion.Sort key1:=.[A4], Header:=xlYes  '±Æ§Ç
  24.    If Val(Application.Version) > 11 Then
  25.       For Each A In .Range(.[A4], .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
  26.           .Shapes(dpic(A.Value)).Top = A.Top
  27.       Next
  28.     End If

  29. End With

  30. Unload Me: UserForm1.Show

  31. End Sub


¦^´_ 22# Hsieh

hsiehª©¤j, ¦­±á
ÁÂÁ¤j¤jªº­×§ï, ¹Ï¤ù¥ç¯à±Æ§Ç, ¯uªº«Ü·P°Êª©¤jÀ°¦£, ¦A¤@¦¸°J¤ß«åÁÂÁÂ, ¯¬Ä@°·±d, §Ö¼Ö..


        ÀR«ä¦Û¦b : ¦h°µ¦h±o¡C¤Ö°µ¦h¥¢¡C
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