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- Windows 7 , XP
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- Office 2007, Office 2003,Office 2010,YoZo Office
- ¾\ŪÅv
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- 2011-4-8
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- 2024-2-21
¦^´_ mark15jill
Jared µoªí©ó 2013-3-8 15:04 
¤p§Ì¶È´£¥Ü¦Ó¤w.. GBKEE¤j¤j¤~¬O°ª¤â |
- ©«¤l
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- ¾\ŪÅv
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- 2010-5-1
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- 2022-1-23
¦^´_ 8# Jared
¬O³o¼Ë¶Ü? 1#ªí³æªºµ{¦¡½X- 'ListIndex = -1: ©Ò¿ïªº¤£¦b List²M³æ¤º
- Dim »ù®æ
- Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
- ComboBox2 = ""
- TextBox1 = ""
- If ComboBox1.ListIndex > -1 Then
- ComboBox2 = ComboBox2.List(ComboBox1.ListIndex)
- TextBox1 = »ù®æ(ComboBox1.ListIndex)
- End If
- End Sub
- ' Private Sub ComboBox2_Change()
- ' TextBox1 = ""
- ' If ComboBox2.ListIndex > -1 Then TextBox1 = »ù®æ(ComboBox1.ListIndex)
- ' End Sub
- '****************************************************
- Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
- If ComboBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then MsgBox "À\ÂI¤º®e »Ý»ô¥þ !!": Exit Sub
- With Sheet10
- .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(, 3).Value = Array(ComboBox1, ComboBox2, TextBox1)
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
- test4.Hide
- End Sub
- Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
- ComboBox1 = ""
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
- With ComboBox1
- .Font.Size = 12
- .TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter '¤å¦r¸m¤¤
- .List = Array("¤@¸¹À\", "¤G¸¹À\", "¤T¸¹À\")
- End With
- With ComboBox2
- .Font.Size = 12
- .TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter '¤å¦r¸m¤¤
- .List = Array("º~³ù¡BÁ¦±ø¡B¥i¼Ö", "Âû¶ô¡BÁ¦»æ¡B¬õ¯ù", "Á¦»æ¡BÁ¦±ø¡B¦B²N²O")
- .Locked = True '¸T¤î½s¿è
- End With
- With TextBox1
- .Locked = True '¸T¤î½s¿è
- .Font.Size = 12
- .TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter '¤å¦r¸m¤¤
- End With
- »ù®æ = Array(50, 60, 70)
- End Sub
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- ©«¤l
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- ¥DÃD
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- ºëµØ
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- ¿n¤À
- 139
- ÂI¦W
- 0
- §@·~¨t²Î
- wondows XP
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- office 2007
- ¾\ŪÅv
- 20
- ©Ê§O
- ¨k
- ¨Ó¦Û
- ¹ü¤Æ
- µù¥U®É¶¡
- 2013-2-21
- ³Ì«áµn¿ý
- 2015-6-26
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¤£¹LBoX2 ³oÄæ´N¤£¥ÎÂê°_¨Ó
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- ©«¤l
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- ºëµØ
- 0
- ¿n¤À
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- ÂI¦W
- 0
- §@·~¨t²Î
- XP
- ³nÅ骩¥»
- office2007
- ¾\ŪÅv
- 10
- µù¥U®É¶¡
- 2013-7-22
- ³Ì«áµn¿ý
- 2016-8-29
³o¼Ëªº¿ï³æ,¯à§_À³¥Î¦b¯Zªí¯Z§O¤W |