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¦^´_ 1# ji12345678 - Private Sub cbCal_Click()
- Dim iSCol%, iTCol%, iNum%
- Dim lSRow&, lTRow&
- Dim sStr$
- Dim shSou As Sheet1, shTar As Sheet3
- Set shSou = Sheets("Á`ªí")
- Set shTar = Sheets("ÅÜ°Ê")
- With shTar.Cells
- .ClearContents
- .Interior.ColorIndex = -4142
- End With
- With shSou
- iSCol = 2 ' ¤é´Á»P¼W´î¶q
- Do While .Cells(1, iSCol) <> ""
- shTar.Cells(1, iSCol) = .Cells(1, iSCol)
- shTar.Cells(2, iSCol) = "¼W´î¶q"
- iSCol = iSCol + 1
- Loop
- sStr = Cells(1, iSCol - 1).Address
- sStr = Mid(sStr, 2, InStr(2, sStr, "$") - 2)
- shTar.Columns("B:" & sStr).ColumnWidth = 8.38
- lSRow = 3 ' ¤u¯Z¦W
- Do While .Cells(lSRow, 1) <> ""
- shTar.Cells(lSRow, 1) = .Cells(lSRow, 1)
- lSRow = lSRow + 1
- Loop
- iSCol = 3
- Do While .Cells(1, iSCol) <> ""
- lSRow = 3
- Do While .Cells(lSRow, 1) <> ""
- sStr = .Cells(lSRow, 1)
- If Left(sStr, 1) <> "Á`" Then iNum = CInt(Mid(sStr, 2, Len(sStr) - 2)) Else iNum = 1
- With .Cells(lSRow, iSCol)
- shTar.Cells(lSRow, iSCol) = .Value - .Offset(, -1)
- End With
- With shTar.Cells(lSRow, iSCol)
- Select Case .Value
- Case Is > 0
- If iNum > 9 Then .Interior.ColorIndex = 41 Else .Interior.ColorIndex = 38
- Case 0
- .Interior.ColorIndex = -4142
- Case Is < 0
- If iNum > 9 Then .Interior.ColorIndex = 46 Else .Interior.ColorIndex = 35
- End Select ' ÂÅ 41 ¾ï 46 ºñ 35 ¯» 38
- End With
- lSRow = lSRow + 1
- Loop
- iSCol = iSCol + 1
- Loop
- End With
- End Sub
°Ý°ÝÃD-102.10.2-a.zip (14.43 KB)