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¦^´_ 20# linderlong
¥ç§Y Users' ªºÅv­­¤£¨¬µLªk«ü¨ì Windows/system32/ ªº¸ô®|¡C


¦^´_  c_c_lai
¥[¤JdoeventsÁÙ¬O¤£¦æ¡CªGµM¬O§ä¤£¨ìcommand«ü¥O¡A¤£ª¾¦³µL¨ä¥¦´À¥N¤èªk¡H¤£¦n·N«ä¡A¤U¯Z¤F ...
linderlong µoªí©ó 2013-8-30 16:59

¶¢¶¢µL¨Æ¡A¶K¤W´X­Ó Function¡A ¦Û¤v¬Ý¬Ý­þºØ¾A¥Î¡C
1.  ´ú¸Õ¥Dµ{¦¡¡G
  1. Sub TestPing()
  2.     Dim xi As Integer
  4.     xi = 1
  5.     Do
  6.         If Cells(xi, 1) <> "" Then
  7.             '  MsgBox sPing("www.microsoft.com")
  8.             '  Cells(xi, "C") = sPing("www.google.com")
  9.             Cells(xi, "C") = Ping2("www.google.com")
  10.             '  Cells(xi, "C") = sPing(Cells(xi, 1))
  11.             '  Cells(xi, "C") = IsConnectible(Cells(xi, 1))
  12.         End If
  13.         xi = xi + 1
  14.     Loop Until Cells(xi, 1) = ""
  15. End Sub
  1. Private Function Ping2(strAddr As String) As String
  2.     Dim strTmpFile As String
  4.     strTmpFile = Environ("TEMP") & "\PingResult.txt"   '  ·Ç³Æ«Ø¼È¦sÀɦb Windows Temp ¥Ø¿ý¤U
  5.     '  «Ø¥ß WScript ª«¥ó Shell Ãþ§O , ¨Ï¥Î Run ¤èªk , ©I¥s¥~³¡«ü¥O Ping ( ¨Ãµ¥«Ý¨ä°õ¦æµ²§ô )
  6.     CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run Environ("COMSPEC") & " /c PING " & strAddr & " > " & strTmpFile, 0, True
  7.     '  PS : "Ping IP¦ì¸m > XXÀÉ®×" ³o¸Ì¬O¨Ï¥Î > ¨Ó±N Ping µ²ªG¼g¨ìÀɮ׸Ì
  8.     '  ( ·íµM¤]¥i Call API CreatePipe ¨ÓŪ¨ú©R¥Oµ²ªG )
  9.     '  Ping ¬O¤@ºØ¤½¥Îµ{¦¡¡A¥i¥HÅçÃÒ¤@©Î¦h­Ó»·ºÝ¥D¾÷³s½u¡C
  10.     '  Ping «ü¥O¥Î ICMP ¦^À³­n¨D©M¦^À³¦^ÂЮM¸Ë³nÅé¨Ó¨M©wºô¸ô¤Wªº¯S®í IP ¨t²Î¬O§_¥¿±`¹B§@¡C
  11.     '  Ping ¹ï¶EÂ_ IP ºô¸ô©Î¸ô¥Ñ¾¹¥¢±Ñ«D±`¦³¥Î¡C
  12.     '  Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
  13.     '  TCP/IP ²Õ¥ó¤¤¥²­nªº¤@ºØºûÅ@³q°T¨ó©w¡A¥i³ø§i¿ù»~¨Ã¤¹³\²©ö³s½u¡C
  14.     '  Ping ¤u¨ã¥Î¨Ó°õ¦æ TCP/IP ºÃÃø±Æ¸Ñªº ICMP¡C
  15.     '  ¸Ô²Ó»¡©ú¤Î¥Îªk¥i°Ñ¦Ò:
  16.     '  ms-its:%WINDIR%\Help\ntcmds.chm::/ping.htm
  17.     '  ms-its:%WINDIR%\Help\ntcmds.chm::/ping.htm
  18.     '  ms-its:%WINDIR%\Help\tcpip.chm::/sag_TCPIP_pro_PingConnect.htm
  19.     '  ms-its:%WINDIR%\Help\tcpip.chm::/sag_TCPIP_pro_Ping.htm
  20.     '  «Ø¥ßÀɮרt²Îª«¥ó,¥Î¨Ó¶}±Ò¼È¦s¤å¦rÀÉ,¨ÃŪ¨ú¤º®e ( ¨ú¦^ Pingªºµ²ªG )
  21.     Ping2 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(strTmpFile).ReadAll
  22.     Ping2 = Replace(Ping2, vbCrLf, "", 1)
  24.     On Error Resume Next
  25.     Kill strTmpFile         '  §R°£¼È¦sÀÉ
  26. End Function


¦^´_ 20# linderlong
  1. Function sPing(sHost) As String
  2.     Dim oPing As Object, oRetStatus As Object
  4.     Set oPing = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").ExecQuery _
  5.       ("select * from Win32_PingStatus where address = '" & sHost & "'")
  7.     '  The following script illustrates how to use the StatusCode property of the Win32_PingStatus class
  8.     '  to determine whether a remote computer is responding to the PING command.
  9.     '  A value of the StatusCode equal to 0 indicates the PING command was successful;
  10.     '  a non-zero value indicates a failure.
  11.     '  The reason for the failure can be determined by analyzing returned value,
  12.     '  which can be one of the following:

  13.     '  11001 Buffer Too Small
  14.     '  11002 Destination Net Unreachable
  15.     '  11003 Destination Host Unreachable
  16.     '  11004 Destination Protocol Unreachable
  17.     '  11005 Destination Port Unreachable
  18.     '  11006 No Resources
  19.     '  11007 Bad Option
  20.     '  11008 Hardware Error
  21.     '  11009 Packet Too Big
  22.     '  11010 Request Timed Out
  23.     '  11011 Bad Request
  24.     '  11012 Bad Route
  25.     '  11013 TimeToLive Expired Transit
  26.     '  11014 TimeToLive Expired Reassembly
  27.     '  11015 Parameter Problem
  28.     '  11016 Source Quench
  29.     '  11017 Option Too Big
  30.     '  11018 Bad Destination
  31.     '  11032 Negotiating IPSEC
  32.     '  11050 General Failure

  33.     For Each oRetStatus In oPing
  34.         If IsNull(oRetStatus.StatusCode) Or oRetStatus.StatusCode <> 0 Then
  35.             sPing = "Status code is " & oRetStatus.StatusCode
  36.         Else
  37.             sPing = oRetStatus.ProtocolAddress & Chr(10) & "Pinging " & sHost & " with " & oRetStatus.BufferSize & " bytes of data:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
  38.             sPing = sPing & "Time (ms) = " & vbTab & oRetStatus.ResponseTime & Chr(10)
  39.             sPing = sPing & "TTL (s) = " & vbTab & vbTab & oRetStatus.ResponseTimeToLive
  40.         End If
  41.     Next
  43.     Set oRetStatus = Nothing
  44.     Set oPing = Nothing
  45. End Function


¦^´_ 20# linderlong
  1. Function IsConnectible(sHost As String, Optional iPings As Integer = 1, Optional iTO As Integer = 250)
  2.     '  Returns True or False based on the output from ping.exe
  3.     '
  4.     '  Authors: Alex Angelopoulos/Torgeir Bakken
  5.     '  Modified by: Tom Lavedas
  6.     '  Works an "all" WSH versions
  7.     '  sHost is a hostname or IP
  8.     '  iPings is number of ping attempts
  9.     '  iTO is timeout in milliseconds
  10.     '  if values are set to "", then defaults below used
  11.     '  iPings default number (1) of pings
  12.     '  iTO default timeout (250) per ping
  13.     Dim nRes
  15.     With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  16.         nRes = .Run("%comspec% /c ping.exe -n " & iPings & " -w " & iTO _
  17.                      & " " & sHost & " | find ""TTL="" > nul 2>&1", 0, True)
  18.     End With
  20.     IsConnectible = (nRes = 0)
  21. End Function


¦^´_ 24# c_c_lai
RetVal = Shell("command.com /c Ping -n 1 " & Cells(i, 1) & " > " & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & i & ".txt")
RetVal = Shell("cmd /c Ping -n 1 " & Cells(i, 1) & " > " & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & i & ".txt")


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