ªð¦^¦Cªí ¤W¤@¥DÃD µo©«



  1. Sub ¼W¸êµù¸Ñ(µù¸Ñ As String)
  2.     Dim S(), AR(), E As Variant, i As Integer, M As Variant
  3.     With Range("G2")
  4.         .NoteText .NoteText & IIf(.NoteText <> "", Chr(10), "") & µù¸Ñ
  5.         i = 1
  6.         For Each E In Split(.NoteText, vbLf)
  7.              If E <> "" Then
  8.                  ReDim Preserve S(1 To i)
  9.                  S(i) = E
  10.                  ReDim Preserve AR(1 To i)
  11.                 AR(i) = CDbl(CDate(Split(E, "¼W¸ê")(0)))
  12.                 i = i + 1
  13.             End If
  14.         Next
  15.         For i = 1 To UBound(AR)
  16.           M = Application.Large(AR, i)
  17.           M = Application.Match(M, AR, 0)
  18.             If i = 1 Then
  19.                 .NoteText ""
  20.                 .NoteText S(M)
  21.             Else
  22.                 .NoteText .NoteText & vbLf & S(M)
  23.             End If
  24.         Next
  25.         .Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
  26.     End With
  27.     [F2].Select '¼È­É¥Î
  28. End Sub

LeoV73-1.rar (16.45 KB)

¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ GBKEE ©ó 2014-4-9 10:20 ½s¿è

¦^´_ 1# myleoyes
  1. NoteText ¤èªk
  2. expression.NoteText(Text, Start, Length)
  3. expression     ¥²¿ï¡C¸Ó¹Bºâ¦¡¶Ç¦^ Range ª«¥ó¡C
  4. Text     ¿ï¾Ü©Êªº Variant¡C­n·s¼W¨ìµù¸Ñ¤¤ªº¤å¦r (¤£¶W¹L 255 ­Ó¦r¤¸)¡C
  1. Sub ¼W¸êµù¸Ñ(µù¸Ñ As String)
  2.     Dim S(), AR(), E As Variant, i As Integer, M As Variant
  3.     With Range("G2")
  4.         '.NoteText .NoteText & IIf(.NoteText <> "", Chr(10), "") & µù¸Ñ
  5.         .Comment.Text .Comment.Text & IIf(.Comment.Text <> "", Chr(10), "") & µù¸Ñ
  6.         .Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
  7.     End With
  8.     [F2].Select '¼È­É¥Î
  9. End Sub
¦ý¸ê·½µL­­,«á´©¦³­­,  ¤@¤Ñ1¤¸ªºÃÙ§U,¤H¤H¦³¯à¤O.


¦^´_ 2# GBKEE
     «o¨ü­­ ¿ï¾Ü©Êªº Variant
     ­n·s¼W¨ìµù¸Ñ¤¤ªº¤å¦r (¤£¶W¹L 255 ­Ó¦r¤¸)


¦^´_ 3# myleoyes
­n·s¼W¨ìµù¸Ñ¤¤ªº¤å¦r (¤£¶W¹L 255 ­Ó¦r¤¸)

  1.   .Comment.Text .Comment.Text & IIf(.Comment.Text <> "", Chr(10), "") & µù¸Ñ
¦ý¸ê·½µL­­,«á´©¦³­­,  ¤@¤Ñ1¤¸ªºÃÙ§U,¤H¤H¦³¯à¤O.


¦^´_ 4# GBKEE
     ÁöµMµù¸Ñ¥i¥H¼g¤J¦ý¥t¤@µ{¦¡ sub ¦X­p ( )ÁÙ¬O¨ü­­³Ì¦h9µ§
     ¦pªþÀÉLeoV73-2 »P LeoV73-2A»¡©ú
     ½Ð¦A­×§ïsub ¦X­p ( )¨¯­WÅo!ÁÂÁ¦A¤T!!
  1. Sub ¼W¸êµù¸Ñ(µù¸Ñ As String)
  2.     With Range("G2")
  3.         If .Comment Is Nothing Then
  4.            .NoteText .NoteText & IIf(.NoteText <> "", Chr(10), "") & µù¸Ñ
  5.         ElseIf [G2] <> "" Then
  6.            .Comment.Text .Comment.Text & IIf(.Comment.Text <> "", Chr(10), "") & µù¸Ñ
  7.         End If
  8.         .Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
  9.     End With
  10. End Sub
  11. Sub ¦X­p()
  12.     [G1] = [G2].FormulaR1C1
  13.     [G1].NumberFormatLocal = """¥x""""¹ô"""
  14.     [G2].NumberFormatLocal = "#,##0_ ;[¬õ¦â]-#,##0 "
  15.     Dim S As Variant, E As Variant, A As Long
  16.     S = Split([G2].NoteText, vbLf)
  17.     For Each E In S
  18.         E = Replace(Replace(E, "¼W¸ê", ","), "¶×²v", ",")
  19.         A = A + Val(Split(E, ",")(1)) * Val(Split(E, ",")(2))
  20.     Next
  21.     [G2] = A
  22.     Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"), "«ì´_"
  23. End Sub

LeoV73-2A.rar (17.29 KB)

LeoV73-2.rar (17.71 KB)


¦^´_ 5# myleoyes
  1. Dim S As Variant, E As Variant, A As Long
  2.     S = Split([G2].Comment.Text, vbLf)
¦ý¸ê·½µL­­,«á´©¦³­­,  ¤@¤Ñ1¤¸ªºÃÙ§U,¤H¤H¦³¯à¤O.


¦^´_ 6# GBKEE
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