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Playful Learning is Magic, It Drives Children Love to Learn!

Playful Learning is Magic, It Drives Children Love to Learn!

Playful Learning is Magic, It Drives Children Love to Learn!
Children have become less emotionally expressive, less energetic, less talkative and verbally expressive, less humorous, less imaginative, less unconventional, less lively and passionate, less perceptive, less apt to connect seemingly irrelevant things, less synthesizing, and less likely to see things from a different angle.¡¨

In other words, we¡¦re in the midst of a creativity crisis. In an age where we¡¦re desperate for new answers to old questions, and for children to more readily step into leadership roles as innovators, this is a problem.

Essentially, children are natural scientists, artists, mathematicians, authors, and scholars. From the time they are born they seek out information about the world around them in an effort to construct meaning and further their development. While children have an inherent drive to make sense of their reality, parents have a unique opportunity to harness their children¡¦s curiosity and channel it into a love of learning.

Playful learning is the magic that takes place when we meld a child¡¦s sense of joy and wonder with thoughtfully planned learning experiences. Through hands-on, minds-on approaches you can engage your child in fun and creative ways that encourage learning and impart the joy of discovery. Play gives children space to dream, discover, improvise, and challenge convention. It¡¦s crucial to social, emotional, cognitive and even physical development, helping them grow up "better adjusted, smarter and less stressed."
With a little bit of information and forethought, you can play a pivotal role in the cognitive and creative development of your child.
We, honeyisland.hk is dedicated to bringing back play in a big way. We work to ensure that all children grow to embrace their creativity and love for learning through our playful programs, that can also enhance children's confidence, independence, social and emotional skills, problem solving, critical thinking, caring for the environment and each other.
The world we live in is no longer ordered by industrial efficiency or repetition, but the exact opposite: unpredictability. People are still educated out of their creativity, while today¡¦s employers demand ¡§changemaking¡¨skills that include communication, teamwork, empathy, critical thinking, and imaginative problem-solving. honeyisland.hk ¤¸®Ô­^¤å¿Ë¤l¾Ç«e¯Zplaygroup´»´Á¯ZWe need to change the way the next generation children are taught. Allowing more children to grow up without those prosocial, exploratory skills. Leaving them unable to reach their potential, would be wrong.
Play can deliver.
What are you waiting for?

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