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[µo°Ý] ¿z¿ï¬ÛÃöªº¼Æ¾Ú

[µo°Ý] ¿z¿ï¬ÛÃöªº¼Æ¾Ú

¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ doulioufire ©ó 2015-12-22 11:03 ½s¿è


°ÝÃD.rar (15.43 KB)



Sub TEST1()
Dim xR As Range, xH As Range, xU As Range, j&
Set xH = [¤u§@ªí1!A2]
[¹Å¸q!A1].Copy xH(0)
For Each xR In Range([¹Å¸q!A2], [¹Å¸q!A65536].End(xlUp))
¡@¡@If xR.Row = 1 Then Exit Sub
¡@¡@If xR = "" Then GoTo 101
¡@¡@Set xU = xR.Resize(6, 2)
¡@¡@For j = [C1].Column To [Z1].Column
¡@¡@¡@¡@If xR(1, j) >= 36 Then Set xU = Union(xU, xR(1, j).Resize(6))
¡@¡@Next j
¡@¡@xU.Copy xH
¡@¡@Set xH = xH(8)
101: Next
End Sub¡@


  1. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
  2.     Dim sh1 As Worksheet
  3.     Dim c0 As Long, r0 As Long, LstR0 As Long, cnt As Integer
  4.     Dim c1 As Long, r1 As Long, LstR1 As Long, msg As Integer
  5.     Set sh1 = Sheets("¤u§@ªí1")
  6.     LstR0 = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
  7.     LstR1 = sh1.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
  8.     If LstR0 - 2 = LstR1 Then
  9.         msg = MsgBox("¤u§@ªí1¤¤, " & Cells(LstR0 - 5, "A") & " ªº¸ê®Æ¤w¸g¦s¦b, ­nÂл\¶Ü?", vbOKCancel)
  10.         If msg = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
  11.     End If
  12.     For r0 = LstR1 + 3 To LstR0 Step 6
  13.         Cells(r0, 1).Resize(4, 2).Copy sh1.Cells(r0, 1)
  14.         cnt = 2
  15.         For c0 = 3 To 26
  16.             If Cells(r0, c0) >= 36 Then
  17.                 cnt = cnt + 1
  18.                 sh1.Cells(r0 - 1, cnt) = Cells(1, c0)
  19.                 sh1.Cells(r0 - 1, cnt) = Format(sh1.Cells(r0 - 1, cnt), "hh:mm;@")
  20.                 Cells(r0, c0).Resize(4, 1).Copy sh1.Cells(r0, cnt)
  21.             End If
  22.         Next
  23.     Next
  24. End Sub


¦^´_ 2# hcm19522



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¦^´_ 4# yen956



¹ï¤£°_, ¦]¦Ò¼{¨ì§A¥i¯à»Ý­n ®É¶¡,
´ú¸Õ®É¦³µyµy­×§ïªí®æ, §Ñ¤F§ï¦^¨Ó,
ªí®æ¤w§ï¦^¨Ó¤F, ¤]¤w­«·s­×¥¿VBA,
¥u¼W¥[®É¶¡¦Ó¤v, ¨ä¥L¤£ÅÜ, ¸Õ¸Õ¬Ý!!
  1. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
  2.     Dim sh1 As Worksheet
  3.     Dim c0 As Long, r0 As Long, LstR0 As Long, cnt As Integer
  4.     Dim c1 As Long, r1 As Long, LstR1 As Long, msg As Integer
  5.     Set sh1 = Sheets("¤u§@ªí1")
  6.     msg = MsgBox("­n²M°£ [¤u§@ªí1] ¤¤­ì¦³¸ê®Æ¶Ü?", vbYesNo)
  7.     If msg = vbYes Then
  8.         sh1.Cells.Clear
  9.         [A1].Copy sh1.[A1]
  10.     End If
  11.     LstR0 = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
  12.     LstR1 = sh1.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
  13.     For r0 = Int(LstR1 / 5) * 6 + 2 To LstR0 Step 6
  14.         r1 = Int(r0 / 6) * 5 + 2
  15.         Cells(r0, 1).Resize(4, 2).Copy sh1.Cells(r1, 1)
  16.         cnt = 2
  17.         For c0 = 3 To 26
  18.             If Cells(r0, c0) >= 36 Then
  19.                 cnt = cnt + 1
  20.                 Cells(1, c0).Copy sh1.Cells(r1 - 1, cnt)
  21.                 Cells(r0, c0).Resize(4, 1).Copy sh1.Cells(r1, cnt)
  22.             End If
  23.         Next
  24.     Next
  25. End Sub


¦^´_ 8# yen956



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