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¦^´_ 1# xlarge16803 - Option Explicit
- Sub ¸ü¤J¹Ï¤ù()
- Dim MyRng As Range, XR As Range, uPath$, y&, xFile$
- Set MyRng = [A3]
- If [A3] = "" Then MsgBox "µL¹ÏÀɦWºÙ¡I": Exit Sub
- 'ThisWorkbook.Path ¶Ç¦^³o¬¡¶Ã¯ÀɮצsÀɪº¸ô®| ¦p ="C:\"
- uPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "c:/my picture/" ' =>"C:\c:/my picture/" ³o¬O¿ù»~ªº¸ô®|?
- '¬O³o¼Ë§a!!
- uPath = ThisWorkbook.Path '->= "c:/my picture" ¹ï¶Ü???
- If Dir(uPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then MsgBox "§ä¤£¨ì¹ÏÀɸê®Æ§¨¡I": Exit Sub
- ActiveSheet.Pictures.Delete
- Application.ScreenUpdating = False
- For Each XR In Union([B3], [C3], [D3], [E3])
- y = y + 1
- xFile = uPath & "\" & MyRng & "-" & y & ".JPG"
- If Dir(xFile) <> "" Then
- With ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(xFile)
- .ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
- .Width = XR.Width
- .Height = XR.Height
- .Left = XR.Left
- .Top = XR.Top
- End With
- End If
- Next
- End Sub
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