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§Ú¥Î¥H¤Uªºµ{¦¡½X ¥X²{¥H¤W¹Ïªº¿ù(¤§«e¤£·|¦³³o°ÝÃD) ¥t¥~©_©Çªº¬O ¥un§Ú¬O¤â°Ê¶K¤J ¦A¤â°ÊÂIÀ»SUMBIT ºô¯¸³£¤£·|¥X¿ù©O ¤£ª¾ ¦pªG§ï¥ÎFIREFOX ©ÎGOOGLEªº·|¦n¨Ç?
Sub Test()
Dim oIe, myData As DataObject, x
Set myData = New DataObject '»Ý¤Þ¥Î MS Form Object Library
With Sheets("¦Û°Êpºâªí")
.Range(.[A4], .[F4].End(xlDown)).Copy
End With
Set oIe = CreateObject("internetExplorer.Application")
With oIe
'.Visible = False
.navigate "http://www.evepraisal.com"
Do While oIe.readystate <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
.document.getElementById("raw_textarea").innerText = myData.GetText '¶ñ¤J
.document.getElementById("result_submit").Click 'submit
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:05") 'µ¥«Ý5¬í§¹¦¨
Set x = .document.getElementById("results").tFoot.all.tags("span")
[L22].Value = x(0).innerText & " : " & x(3).innerText
[L23].Value = x(1).innerText & " : " & x(4).innerText
[L24].Value = x(2).innerText & " : " & x(5).innerText
End With
End Sub |