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Java »y¨¥©|¥¼¤Jªù,À°¤£¤W¦£
¥u§ì¨ì100µ§¸ê®Æ- Sub Ex()
- Dim oXmlhttp As Object, oHtmldoc As Object, surl, r, c, E
- Set oXmlhttp = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
- Set oHtmldoc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
- surl = "https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/history?period1=1473638400&period2=1505174400&interval=1d&filter=history&frequency=1d"
- With oXmlhttp
- .Open "Get", surl, False
- .Send
- oHtmldoc.write .responseText
- End With
- With oHtmldoc
- Set E = .all.tags("table")(3)
- ActiveSheet.Cells.Clear
- For r = 0 To E.Rows.Length - 1
- For c = 0 To E.Rows(r).Cells.Length - 1
- Cells(r + 1, c + 1) = E.Rows(r).Cells(c).innertext
- Next
- Next
- End With
- Set oXmlhttp = Nothing
- Set oHtmldoc = Nothing
- End Sub
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