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For fcsty = 4 To put_rownum
If .Cells(fcsty, "B") <> "" And Not .Cells(fcsty, "A") Like "*¦Xp" Then
' ¼W¥[§PÂ_ "B"Ä欰ªÅ¥Õ, ©Î¬O«O¯d "¦Xp" ªº¦C.
If .Cells(fcsty, hid_colnum) < put_maxnum And .Cells(fcsty, hid_colnum) > put_minnum Then
.Rows(fcsty).Hidden = True
End If
End If
End With
Sub ProductsQ1FP()
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False ' ¨ú®øáµ²µøµ¡
Dim put_rownum As Integer
Dim hid_colnum As Integer
ActiveSheet.Rows.Hidden = False '¨ú®ø©Ò¦³ªºÁôÂÃ
ActiveSheet.Range("c4").Select '´å¼Ð©ñ¦bc4
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True 'áµ²µøµ¡
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 3 'áµ²¦C»PÄ檺µøµ¡
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("¼Ï¯Ã¤ÀªRªí1").PivotFields("Group").AutoSort xlDescending, _
"¥[Á` ªºQ1F-P"
put_rownum = ActiveSheet.Range("c2").Value '³Ì«á¤@¦C
put_maxnum = ActiveSheet.Range("b1").Value '¤j©ó
put_minnum = ActiveSheet.Range("b2").Value '¤p©ó
hid_colnum = ActiveSheet.Range("f1").Value '±Æ§ÇÄæ
With ActiveSheet
.Cells(4, hid_colnum).Select '´å¼Ð©ñ¸mÂI
For fcsty = 4 To put_rownum
If .Cells(fcsty, "B") <> "" And Not .Cells(fcsty, "A") Like "*¦Xp" Then
' ¼W¥[§PÂ_ "B"Ä欰ªÅ¥Õ, ©Î¬O«O¯d "¦Xp" ªº¦C.
If .Cells(fcsty, hid_colnum) < put_maxnum And .Cells(fcsty, hid_colnum) > put_minnum Then
.Rows(fcsty).Hidden = True
End If
End If
End With
End Sub |