¡@¼ÊºÙ: 温©_ ¡@ÀY»Î: ij½×ªÌ
- ©«¤l
- 104
- ¥DÃD
- 5
- ºëµØ
- 0
- ¿n¤À
- 110
- ÂI¦W
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- §@·~¨t²Î
- win7
- ³nÅ骩¥»
- Office2007
- ¾\ŪÅv
- 20
- ©Ê§O
- ¨k
- µù¥U®É¶¡
- 2017-11-14
- ³Ì«áµn¿ý
- 2019-4-30
¦^´_ 16# 7777
¸Õ¸Õ¬Ý§a!- Sub test()
- Dim x
- Dim oie As Object: Set oie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
- With oie
- .Visible = True
- .Navigate ""
- Do While .readystate <> 4 Or .busy: DoEvents: Loop
- Set wshshell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
- Do
- ret = wshshell.AppActivate("Microsoft Excel")
- Loop Until ret = True
- Application.Wait Now + 2 / 86400
- ret = wshshell.AppActivate("Microsoft Excel")
- If ret = True Then
- ret = wshshell.AppActivate("Microsoft Excel")
- Application.Wait Now + 2 / 86400
- wshshell.SendKeys "{enter}"
- End If
- Application.Wait Now + 2 / 86400
- Do While .readystate <> 4 Or .busy: DoEvents: Loop
- .Quit
- End With
- End Sub
½Æ»s¥N½X |
¡@¼ÊºÙ: 温©_ ¡@ÀY»Î: ij½×ªÌ
- ©«¤l
- 104
- ¥DÃD
- 5
- ºëµØ
- 0
- ¿n¤À
- 110
- ÂI¦W
- 0
- §@·~¨t²Î
- win7
- ³nÅ骩¥»
- Office2007
- ¾\ŪÅv
- 20
- ©Ê§O
- ¨k
- µù¥U®É¶¡
- 2017-11-14
- ³Ì«áµn¿ý
- 2019-4-30
¦^´_ 18# 7777
¨ä¹ê³o¬qµ{§Ç¥u¬OÅý§A´ú¸Õ¥Î¡A±q²Ä7¦C¶}©l¤~¬O«ÂI¡C- Sub test()
- Dim oie As Object: Set oie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
- With oie
- '.Visible = True '³o³¡¤Àµù¸Ñ±¼¤]¨SÃö«Y¡Aµù¸Ñ±¼¤£·|Åã¥ÜI´ºÁÙ¬O·|°õ¦æ¸òFalse¤@¼Ë¡A¦]¬°´ú¸Õ©Ò¥H»Ý¶}±Òµe±½T»{«áÄòµ{§ÇµL»~
- .Navigate "" '¿é¤Jºô§}
- Do While .readystate <> 4 Or .busy: DoEvents: Loop
- Set wshshell = CreateObject("wscript.shell") '¤Þ¥Î¨ä¥¦ª«¥ó¡A©I¥s¨ä¥¦À³¥Îµ{¦¡
- Do '°j°éÀ³¥Îµ{¦¡¤¤«ü©wª«¥ó
- ret = wshshell.AppActivate("Microsoft Excel") '§ä´M¤Þ¥Îª«¥ó¦WºÙ¡A¦pªG¸õ¥Xµøµ¡¼ÐÃD¬O"ºô¶°T®§"ק令ĵ§i°T®§¼ÐÃD
- '³¯z¦¡AppActivate¼ÐÃD [µ¥«Ý]
- Loop Until ret = True '·íret¦³È®Éµ²§ô°j°é
- Application.Wait Now + 2 / 86400 '³o³¡¤À¨ä¹ê¥i¥H¤£µ¥«Ý
- ret = wshshell.AppActivate("Microsoft Excel")
- If ret = True Then
- ret = wshshell.AppActivate("Microsoft Excel")
- Application.Wait Now + 2 / 86400 '³o¸Ì¤@©wnµ¥«Ý2¬í¡A¨ä¹ê®É¶¡¤£¤@©w¡A¥u¬OSendKeys³oӰʧ@±`±`µo¥Í¤£Ã©w©Ê°ÝÃD¡A½T«Oµ{§Ç¨S°ÝÃD¤~°õ¦æenter³o°Ê§@
- wshshell.SendKeys "{enter}" '¹ïĵ§i°T®§µøµ¡«ö¤UÁä½Lenter«öÁä
- End If
- Application.Wait Now + 2 / 86400 'µ¥«Ý2¬í
- Do While .readystate <> 4 Or .busy: DoEvents: Loop '½T»{ºô¶¸ü¤J§¹¦¨
- .Quit 'Ãö³¬ºô¶
- End With
- End Sub
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- Application.Wait Now + 2 / 86400'µ¥«Ý2¬í
- ret = Wshshell.AppActivate("ºô¶°T®§")'retÀ³¥Îµ{¦¡¤¤¬O§_¦³"ºô¶°T®§"Title
- If ret = True Then'½T»{¦³°õ¦æ
- Wshshell.SendKeys "{enter}"'Áä½L¾Þ§@enter«ü¥O
- End If
½Æ»s¥N½X |