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UsedRange ¦¹ª«¥ó¥Nªí«ü©w¤u§@ªí¤¤ªº¤w¥Î½d³ò
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luhpro µoªí©ó 2014-11-4 23:49 
¥X²{¤F "«¬ºA¤£²Å¦X" ªº¿ù»~°T®§C...¥i§_¦A«üÂI¤@¤G©O¡H- Option Explicit
- Sub ChangeSize()
- Dim Mypath As String, E As Range, i As Integer ', MyPic As Object
- Mypath = "\C:\Users\leon\Desktop\Test\"
- With Sheets("·Ó¤ù¯Á¤Þ")
- .Pictures.Delete
- For i = 1 To 7 Step 3 'AÄæ ->1,DÄæ ->4,GÄæ ->7
- For Each E In .Cells.Columns(i) ' 'AÄæ ->1,DÄæ ->4,GÄæ ->7
- E.ColumnWidth = 25 '½Õ¾ãÀx¦s®æ¼e«×
- E.RowHeight = 50 '½Õ¾ãÀx¦s®æ°ª«×
- If Dir(Mypath & E & ".jpg") <> "" Then
- 'Set MyPic = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(Mypath & E & ".jpg")
- With .Pictures.Insert(Mypath & E & ".jpg")
- .ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
- .Left = E.Cells(1, 2).Left
- .Top = E.Cells(1, 2).Top
- .Width = E.Cells(1, 2).Width '=Àx¦s®æ¼e«×
- .Height = E.Cells(1, 2).Height '=Àx¦s®æ°ª«×
- End With
- End If
- Next
- Next
- End With
- End Sub
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