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  1. Option Explicit
  2. Sub xx()
  3. Dim my_min%, my_max%, i&, Ar(2 To 65535, 1 To 5)
  4. my_min = 30
  5. my_max = 50
  6. Sheet1.Cells(27) = "Num"
  7. Sheet1.Cells(28) = "x(1)"
  8. Sheet1.Cells(29) = "y(2)"
  9. Sheet1.Cells(30) = "iv(3)"
  10. Sheet1.Cells(31) = "vf(4)"
  11. For i = 2 To 65535
  12.    Ar(i, 1) = Sheet3.Cells(i, 1)
  13.    If Sheet3.Cells(i, 6) > my_min And Sheet3.Cells(i, 6) < my_max Then
  14.     Ar(i, 2) = Sheet3.Cells(i, 3)
  15.     Ar(i, 3) = Sheet3.Cells(i, 4)
  16.     Ar(i, 4) = Sheet3.Cells(i, 5)
  17.     Ar(i, 5) = Sheet3.Cells(i, 6)
  18.   End If
  19. Next i
  20. Sheet1.Cells(2, 27).Resize(65534, 5) = Ar
  21. End Sub


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