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回復 1# s7659109

  1. Sub check_it()
  2. Sheets("工作表1").Range("B2:x18").Interior.ColorIndex = 0
  3. Sheets("工作表1").Range("g21:l21").Clear
  4. For i = 7 To 12
  5.     For Each mrng In Sheets("工作表1").Range("B2:x18")
  6.      If mrng.Value = Cells(20, i) Then
  7.       mrng.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
  8.       Cells(20, i).Offset(1, 0) = Cells(20, i).Offset(1, 0).Value + 1
  9.      End If
  10.     Next
  11. Next
  12. End Sub

  13. Sub check_it2()
  14. Sheets("工作表1").Range("B2:x18").Interior.ColorIndex = 0
  15. Sheets("工作表1").Range("G23:L23").Clear
  16. RngA = Left([c22], Application.Find("-", [c22]) - 1)
  17. RngB = Right([c22], Len([c22]) - (Application.Find("-", [c22])))
  18. For x = 7 To 12
  19.     For Each mrng In Sheets("工作表1").Range("B" & RngA & ":x" & RngB)
  20.      If mrng.Value = Cells(22, x) Then
  21.       mrng.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
  22.       Cells(22, x).Offset(1, 0) = Cells(22, x).Offset(1, 0).Value + 1
  23.      End If
  24.     Next
  25. Next
  26. End Sub


回復 6# s7659109

  1. Sub check_it()
  2. Range("B2:x18").Interior.ColorIndex = 0
  3. Range("G21:L21").Clear
  4. RngA = Left([c20], Application.Find("-", [c20]) - 1)
  5. RngB = Right([c20], Len([c20]) - (Application.Find("-", [c20])))
  6. For x = 7 To 12
  7.     For Each mrng In Sheets("工作表1").Range("B" & RngA & ":x" & RngB)
  8.      If mrng.Value = Cells(20, x) Then
  9.       mrng.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
  10.       Cells(20, x).Offset(1, 0) = Cells(20, x).Offset(1, 0).Value + 1
  11.      End If
  12.     Next
  13.   If Cells(21, x) = "" Then Cells(21, x).Value = 0
  14. Next
  15. End Sub


本帖最後由 owen06 於 2015-11-13 17:23 編輯

回復 9# s7659109

  1. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
  2. With Target
  3.    If .Row = 20 And .Column >= 7 And .Column <= 12 Then
  4.     RngA = Left([C20], Application.Find("-", [C20]) - 1)
  5.     RngB = Right([C20], Len([C20]) - (Application.Find("-", [C20])))
  6.     Ans = .Value
  7. On Error GoTo 99
  8.    If Application.CountA([G20:L20]) = 0 Then GoTo 99
  9.    If .Value = "" Then .Offset(1, 0) = ""
  11.      For Each Mrng In Range("B" & RngA & ":x" & RngB)
  12.        If Mrng.Value = Ans Then
  13.         Mrng.Interior.ColorIndex = .Offset(-1, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
  14.         .Offset(1, 0) = .Offset(1, 0).Value + 1
  15.        End If
  16.      Next
  17.    End If
  18. End With
  19. Exit Sub

  20. 99: Range("b2:x18").Interior.ColorIndex = 0: Range("G21:L21") = ""
  21. End Sub


        靜思自在 : 【為善競爭】人生要為善競爭,分秒必爭。
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