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- 2013-5-13
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- 2025-2-15
- Dim FilArea As Range
- Sub ¹O´Á¼Æ()
- Dim R&, xClmn As Range, i&, LG, GG, N%
- Call ¨ú®ø¿z¿ï
- Set xClmn = FilArea.Columns(103)
- R = Application.CountIf(xClmn, ">0")
- If R = 0 Then Exit Sub
- Sheets("¤u§@§¹¦¨²v²Îp").AutoFilterMode = False
- For i = 1 To R
- LG = Application.Large(xClmn, i)
- If GG <> LG Then N = N + 1: GG = LG
- If N = 5 Then Exit For
- Next
- FilArea.AutoFilter Field:=103, Criteria1:=">=" & GG
- End Sub
- Sub §C©ó90()
- Call ¨ú®ø¿z¿ï
- Sheets("¤u§@§¹¦¨²v²Îp").AutoFilterMode = False
- FilArea.AutoFilter Field:=104, Criteria1:="<90%"
- End Sub
- Sub §@·~¤Ñ¼Æ()
- Dim R&, xClmn As Range, i&, LG, GG, N%
- Call ¨ú®ø¿z¿ï
- Set xClmn = FilArea.Columns(105)
- R = Application.Count(xClmn)
- If R = 0 Then Exit Sub
- Sheets("¤u§@§¹¦¨²v²Îp").AutoFilterMode = False
- For i = 1 To R
- LG = Application.Large(xClmn, i)
- If GG <> LG Then N = N + 1: GG = LG
- If N = 5 Then Exit For
- Next
- FilArea.AutoFilter Field:=105, Criteria1:=">=" & GG
- End Sub
- Sub ¨ú®ø¿z¿ï()
- Dim R&
- With Sheets("¤u§@§¹¦¨²v²Îp")
- .AutoFilterMode = False
- R = .UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1
- If R <= 4 Then Exit Sub
- Set FilArea = .Range("B3:DB" & R)
- FilArea.AutoFilter
- End With
- End Sub
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