ªð¦^¦Cªí ¤W¤@¥DÃD µo©«

[µo°Ý] ➽¿z¿ïGÄæ>HÄæ>IÄæ

¦^´_ 1# peter95

Sub ex()
Dim arr, c, x%
With Sheets("Sheet1")
Set c = .Range(.[c2], .[l2])
Set arr = .[c2].CurrentRegion
For x = 2 To arr.Rows.Count
   If arr(x, 7) > arr(x, 8) And arr(x, 8) > arr(x, 9) Then Set c = Union(c, arr(x, 3).Resize(, 10))
End With
c.Copy Sheets("¤u§@ªí1").[a1]
End Sub


¦^´_ 8# peter95

    If arr(x, 7) > arr(x, 8) And arr(x, 8) > arr(x, 9) And arr(x, 9) > arr(x, 10) Then Set c = Union(c, arr(x, 3).Resize(, 10))


¦^´_ 10# peter95

¥u¬O¤j©ó & ¤p©óªºÅܧó,À³¸Ó¨S³o»ò§xÃø§a!
    If arr(x, 7) < arr(x, 8) And arr(x, 8) < arr(x, 9) And arr(x, 9) < arr(x, 10) Then Set c = Union(c, arr(x, 3).Resize(, 10))


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