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¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ GBKEE ©ó 2012-10-2 13:08 ½s¿è
¦^´_ 1# BigDog
¥þ¤åÀ˯Á¤¤·j´M ºô¸ô³s½u
§@·~¨t²Î Windows NT ¥B ºô¸ôIP ¬O¯B°ÊIP- Sub ½m²ß()
- Dim motoSht As Worksheet, sakiSht As Worksheet, sakiRng As Range
- Dim motoHani() '«Å§iÅܼÆ
- Set motoSht = Worksheets("°]°È¤ÀªR") '³]©wÓ§O°]°È¤ÀªR¤u§@ªí
- Set sakiSht = Worksheets("¤W¥«") '³]©wÀx¦s¥þ³¡¤W¥«¤u§@ªí
- motoSht.Range("A1:T21") = ""
- For Each E In motoSht.Names ' §R°£ QueryTables
- E.Delete
- Next
- '±N·QnÂà¼g¤§Àx¦s®æªº¦ì¸mÀx¦s¦b°}¦C¤¤
- motoHani = Array("C18", "D18", "E18", "H18", "I18", "J18", "M18", "N18", "O18", "T18")
- '¨ú±o¤ÀªRµ²ªG¦Ü¤W¥«Á`ªíªº¿é¤J¦ì¸m
- motoaddress = Array("A1", "f1", "k1", "p1")
- motoyear = Array(93, 96, 99, 100)
- '¨ú±o¸ü¤J°]°È¤ÀªR¤Î¦~«×¸ê®Æ¦ì¸m
- motoRowcon = sakiSht.Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
- '¨ú±o¤W¥«Á`¦C¼Æ
- For i = 2 To motoRowcon
- motoSht.Cells(25, 1) = sakiSht.Cells(i, 1)
- For x = 0 To 3
- RE:
- Application.StatusBar = False
- With motoSht.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
- "URL;http://mopsov.twse.com.tw/server-java/t05st22?colorchg=1&off=1&TYPEK=sii&isnew=false&year=" & motoyear(x) & "&co_id=" & motoSht.Range("A25") & "&" _
- , Destination:=motoSht.Range(motoaddress(x)))
- .Name = _
- "t05st22?colorchg=1&off=1&TYPEK=sii&isnew=false&year=100&co_id=1733&"
- .FieldNames = True
- .RowNumbers = False
- .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
- .PreserveFormatting = True
- .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
- .BackgroundQuery = True
- .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
- .SavePassword = False
- .SaveData = True
- .AdjustColumnWidth = True
- .RefreshPeriod = 0
- .WebSelectionType = xlSpecifiedTables
- .WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone
- .WebTables = "4"
- .WebPreFormattedTextToColumns = True
- .WebConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne = True
- .WebSingleBlockTextImport = False
- .WebDisableDateRecognition = False
- .WebDisableRedirections = False
- .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
- If Application.Count(.ResultRange) = 0 Then '¨ì²Ä¤E®a¹L«á´NÅܪºªÅ¥Õ
- Application.StatusBar = "µ¥Ôºô¶¤¤...."
- «±Ò³s½u
- GoTo RE
- End If
- End With
- Next
- For j = 0 To UBound(motoHani)
- sakiSht.Cells(i, 25).Offset(0, j).Value = motoSht.Range(motoHani(j)).Value
- Next
- motoSht.Range("A1:T21") = ""
- For Each E In motoSht.Names
- E.Delete
- Next
- Next
- '±NÓ§O¸ê®Æ±a¤J¤W¥«Á`ªí
- MsgBox "¿é¤J§¹²¦¡C"
- End Sub
- Sub «±Ò³s½u()
- ' ¦¹µ{¦¡§@¥Î:¤¤Â_ºô¸ô³s½u¦A«×³s½u«·s¨úªººô¸ôIP,¥H«·s¨ú±o WEB SERVER¨î ¤@¤ÀÄÁŪ¨ú20¦¸
- 'ºô¸ô³s½u ªº¦WºÙ adsl ½Ðקאּ §APC ¤W¥¿½T¦WºÙ
- 'res = Shell("rasphone.exe [-d *****]", 1)
- res = Shell("rasphone.exe [-d adsl]", 1)
- AppActivate res, True
- SendKeys "%(U)", True
- Application.Wait Now + #12:00:01 AM# '©µ¿ðµ¥Ôµ{¦¡³B¸Ì
- SendKeys "%(Y)", True
- Application.Wait Now + #12:00:01 AM# '©µ¿ðµ¥Ôµ{¦¡³B¸Ì
- SendKeys "%(C)", True
- Application.Wait Now + #12:00:01 AM# '©µ¿ðµ¥Ôµ{¦¡³B¸Ì
- SendKeys "%(C)", True
- Application.Wait Now + #12:00:02 AM# '©µ¿ðµ¥Ô¦±µ{¦¡³B¸Ì
- End Sub
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