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- 2025-3-11
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°õ¦æ¥H¤Uµ{§Ç¡A¦Û°Ê¥Í¦¨·s¤u§@ªí¡A±o¨ìUpdated Dataªº¸ê®Æ
¦A¨Ó°Q½×§Aªº²Ä2Ó°ÝÃD- Sub Ex()
- Dim Sh As Worksheet, Ar()
- For Each Sh In Sheets
- With Sh
- If UBound(Filter(Array("Currency", "DATA", "Updated Data"), .Name, True)) < 0 Then
- ReDim Preserve Ar(57, x)
- If IsEmpty(Ar(0, 0)) Then
- Ar(0, x) = .[B1].Value: Ar(1, x) = .[B2].Value: Ar(2, x) = .[D1].Value
- s = 3
- For Each a In .[A11:BB11].Value
- Ar(s, x) = a
- s = s + 1
- Next
- x = x + 1
- End If
- r = 12
- Do Until .Cells(r, 1) = ""
- ReDim Preserve Ar(57, x)
- Ar(0, x) = .[C1].Value: Ar(1, x) = .[C2].Value: Ar(2, x) = .[E1].Value
- s = 3
- For Each a In .Range(.Cells(r, "A"), .Cells(r, "BB")).Value
- Ar(s, x) = a
- s = s + 1
- Next
- x = x + 1: r = r + 1
- Loop
- End If
- End With
- Next
- With Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
- .[A1].Resize(x, 57) = Application.Transpose(Ar)
- End With
- End Sub
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