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- 2010-11-29
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- 2022-5-17
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¥ý½Õ¾ã¦nBÄ檺Äæ¼e¦C°ª(·Ó¤ùªº¤j¤p)- Sub PHOTO()
- ActiveSheet.Columns("C") = ""
- Set Sh = ActiveSheet
- With Sh
- .Pictures.Delete
- End With
- fs = Dir("D:\TEST\*.jpg")
- Do Until fs = ""
- R = R + 1
- Cells(R, 3) = fs
- Cells(R, 2).Select
- ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("D:\TEST\" & Cells(R, 3)).Select
- With Selection
- .Top = ActiveSheet.Cells(R, 2).Top + 1
- .Left = ActiveSheet.Cells(R, 2).Left + 1
- .Width = ActiveSheet.Cells(R, 2).Width - 1
- .Height = ActiveSheet.Cells(R, 2).Height - 1
- End With
- fs = Dir
- Loop
- End Sub
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