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½Ð§ï¦¨: ¤u¨ã->¦Ûq-±±¨î¤u¨ã½c ªº«ö¶s(CommandButton) ¹ïÀ³ªº¹Ï¤ù ½Ðn¥ý¥[¤u ¦p¹Ï:
ª«¥ó¼Ò²Õµ{¦¡½Xקï¦p¤U- Option Explicit
- Public WithEvents A_CommandButton As MSForms.CommandButton 'ª«¥ó¼Ò²Õªºª«¥óÅܼÆ
- Private Sub A_CommandButton_Click()
- Dim S As String, Rng As Range
- S = A_CommandButton.Caption
- With Sheet21
- Set Rng = .Columns("Z").Find(S, LookAT:=xlWhole)
- If Rng Is Nothing Then MsgBox "§ä¤£¨ì " & S: Exit Sub
- [K3].Resize(5, 7) = Rng.Resize(5, 7).Value
- If S Like "A*" Then
- S = Replace(A_CommandButton.Caption, "A", "Group ")
- '"A" §ï¬°"Group " : A15 -> Group 15
- ElseIf S Like "B*" Then
- S = Replace(A_CommandButton.Caption, "A", "GroupB ")
- '"B" §ï¬°"GroupB " : B1 -> GroupB 1
- ElseIf S Like "C*" Then
- S = Replace(A_CommandButton.Caption, "C", "GroupC ")
- '"C" §ï¬°"GroupC " : C1 -> GroupC 1
- ElseIf S Like "D*" Then
- S = Replace(A_CommandButton.Caption, "D", "GroupD ")
- '"B" §ï¬°"GroupD " : D1 -> GroupD 1
- End If
- .Shapes(S).Select
- If .[S1] > .[N6] And .[S1] < .[N7] Then
- Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 17
- Else
- Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 10
- End If
- End With
- DoEvents
- ActiveCell.Select
- End Sub
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