[µo°Ý] ½Ð°Ý¦p¦ó§Q¥Îword¨ºÓ¥\¯à±N¤U¦Cªº»yªkÂনwordÀÉ®×
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[µo°Ý] ½Ð°Ý¦p¦ó§Q¥Îword¨ºÓ¥\¯à±N¤U¦Cªº»yªkÂনwordÀÉ®×
.* MD-80 New Table Work Card
.se pagenum=&pg0031
.se revdate = 'June 1986'
.se chkname = 'EC'
.se cardno = '0031'
.se atano = '71'
.se zoneno = '7, 8'
.* Each work card starts with page 1
.se initial = 'AS/ss'
.pa 1
:table refid='tdtl3' column split='yes'.
:thd refid='tdtl3'.
:tft refid='tdtl3'.
:row refid='tdtl4'.
:c 1.
:row refid='tdtl3'.
:c 1.
:li.Inspect engine cowl doors and nacelles internal surfaces.
:c 1.
:li.Check nacelles internal surfaces for damage, corrosion and
inlet structure for general condition.
:c 1.
:li.Check cowl door structure for evidence of damage to
latches, hinges and mating surfaces.
:c 1.
:li.Inspect engine to apron attachments and surrounding structure.
:c 1.
:li.Check apron surfaces mating with upper cowl door for damage.
:c 1.
:li.Check apron pylon interior for evidence of corrosion,
leaks, cracks and any structural irregularities.
:c 1.
:li.Check engine to apron attachments for condition, security
and wear.
.se pg0031= &
.rh cancel
.im m8wcrhfn |
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- 2024-5-5
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- Win 8
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- Office 2007
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