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365 ¤¤ [µù¸Ñ] CommentThreaded ©Î [ªþµù] Comment Àx¦s®æ¥u¥i¤G¿ï¤@
365 ·sª©ªº[µù¸Ñ] ¥i¥[¤J¦hµ§ªºµù¸Ñ,2003,2010 ªºµù¸Ñ Comment 365¤¤§ï¬°[ªþµù]'
µù¸Ñ©Ò¦b¤u§@ªí¼Ò²Õªºµ{¦¡½X- Option Explicit
- Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
- With Target
- If Not .Comment Is Nothing Then '³B²z356 ªº[ªþµù]¤]¬O2003,2010ªº[µù¸Ñ]
- Note_Text .Address(0, 0, , 1), .NoteText
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub Note_Text(Rng As String, Rng_Text As String)
- Dim xMatch As Variant, xN As Integer, i As Integer
- On Error GoTo ERR
- With Sheets("Note_Text")
- xMatch = Application.Match(Rng, .Rows(1), 0)
- If IsError(xMatch) Then
- With .Cells(1, Application.CountA(.Rows(1)) + 1)
- .Cells(1) = Rng
- .Cells(2) = Rng_Text & "--" & Now()
- End With
- Else
- xN = Application.CountA(.Columns(xMatch))
- With .Cells(1, xMatch)
- If Split(.Cells(xN), "--")(0) <> Rng_Text Then .Cells(xN + 1) = Rng_Text & "--" & Now()
- Rng_Text = ""
- For i = 2 To xN + 1
- Rng_Text = Rng_Text & IIf(i > 2, vbLf, "") & .Cells(i)
- Next
- MsgBox Rng_Text
- End With
- End If
- End With
- Exit Sub
- ERR:
- With ThisWorkbook
- With .Sheets.Add(, .Sheets(.Sheets.Count))
- .Name = "Note_Text"
- ' .Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden 'ÁôÂð_¨Ó¯à¥Î¥¨¶°¨ú®ø
- End With
- .Save
- Me.Activate
- End With
- Resume
- End Sub
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