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¬Û¹ïªº´N·|¶]¶W¤[¡K³Ì¤[¤@¦¸¶]¤F§Ö2¤Ñ= ="¡Aµ{¦¡½X³¡¤À¦³¿ìªkÀu¤Æ¶Ü- Sub Sumbit()
- clean_rawdata
- Sheets("Act_UTZ").Select
- Range("D4").Value = "¤â°Ê"
- Dim Src As String
- Application.DisplayAlerts = False
- Src = ThisWorkbook.Name
- start_year = Left(Worksheets("Main").Cells(2, 2), 4)
- end_year = Left(Worksheets("Main").Cells(2, 4), 4)
- start_month = Mid(Worksheets("Main").Cells(2, 2), 5, 2)
- end_month = Mid(Worksheets("Main").Cells(2, 4), 5, 2)
- start_day = Right(Worksheets("Main").Cells(2, 2), 2)
- end_day = Right(Worksheets("Main").Cells(2, 4), 2)
- start_date = Right(Worksheets("Main").Cells(2, 2), 4)
- end_date = Right(Worksheets("Main").Cells(2, 4), 4)
- ''''plan_period¬°©Òn¤U¸ü¤§PC Planª©¥»¤é´Á
- If Val(end_month) > Val(start_month) Or Val(end_year) > Val(start_year) Then
- If start_month = "01" Or start_month = "03" Or start_month = "05" Or start_month = "07" Or start_month = "08" Or start_month = "10" Or start_month = "12" Then
- m1 = 31
- End If
- If start_month = "02" Then
- m1 = 29
- End If
- If start_month = "04" Or start_month = "06" Or start_month = "09" Or start_month = "11" Then
- m1 = 30
- End If
- plan_period = m1 - Val(start_day) + Val(end_day)
- End If
- If Val(end_month) = Val(start_month) Then
- If start_month = "01" Or start_month = "03" Or start_month = "05" Or start_month = "07" Or start_month = "08" Or start_month = "10" Or start_month = "12" Then
- m1 = 31
- End If
- If start_month = "02" Then
- m1 = 29
- End If
- If start_month = "04" Or start_month = "06" Or start_month = "09" Or start_month = "11" Then
- m1 = 30
- End If
- plan_period = Val(end_day) - Val(start_day)
- End If
- ' Worksheets("Raw_Data_1").Select
- 'Cells.Select
- ' Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
- ' Worksheets("Raw_Data_1").AutoFilterMode = False
- For I = 0 To plan_period
- If Val(start_day) + I > m1 Then
- If Val(start_month) <= 8 Then
- month_var = "0" & Val(start_month) + 1
- ElseIf Val(start_month) >= 12 Then
- month_var = "0" & Val(start_month) + 1 - 12
- ElseIf Val(start_month) >= 9 Then
- month_var = Val(start_month) + 1
- End If
- If Val(start_day) + I - m1 <= 9 Then
- day_var = "0" & Val(start_day) + I - m1
- ElseIf Val(start_day) + I - m1 >= 10 Then
- day_var = Val(start_day) + I - m1
- End If
- plan_date = end_year & month_var & day_var
- End If
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- If Val(start_day) + I <= m1 Then
- If Val(start_day) + I <= 9 Then
- day_var = "0" & Val(start_day) + I
- ElseIf Val(start_day) + I >= 10 Then
- day_var = Val(start_day) + I
- End If
- plan_date = start_year & start_month & day_var
- End If
- '¦b""¥i¿é¤Jºô§}
- Importfilepath = ""
- Set oldbook = Workbooks.Open(Importfilepath)
- 'Application.AutomationSecurity = secAutomation
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Columns("A:X").Select
- Selection.Copy
- Windows(Src).Activate
- Sheets("output").Select
- Range("A1").Select
- Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
- :=False, Transpose:=False
- Range("X2").Select
- Application.CutCopyMode = False
- ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-15]&RC[-20]"
- Range("X2").Select
- With Selection.Interior
- .Pattern = xlSolid
- .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
- .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight2
- .TintAndShade = 0.799981688894314
- .PatternTintAndShade = 0
- End With
- Range("X1").Select
- ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "$"
- '¤U©Ô
- Dim r1 As Range
- Range("A1").Select
- Selection.End(xlDown).Select
- rf = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 23).Address
- rtxt = "x2:" & rf
- Set r1 = Range(rtxt)
- r1.Select
- Selection.FillDown
- 'ȶK¤W
- Selection.Copy
- Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
- :=False, Transpose:=False
- ¤½¦¡_UTZ
- ¶K¤W
- '¨ê¤l
- Windows("Tester_COEE&UTZ_" & plan_date & "_DailyRawData.xls").Activate
- Workbooks("Tester_COEE&UTZ_" & plan_date & "_DailyRawData.xls").Close False
- Next
- MsgBox ("¤â°Ê©Ô¤é´Á")
- End Sub
¥i§ì¨úºô¬q¤W¸ê®Æ.rar (227.96 KB)