ªð¦^¦Cªí ¤W¤@¥DÃD µo©«

[µo°Ý] select case·f°tif¨Ï¥Î»Ý¨D°ÝÃD

[µo°Ý] select case·f°tif¨Ï¥Î»Ý¨D°ÝÃD

  1. ¥þ°ìÅܼÆ
  2. sValue long

  3. sub¸Ì­±

  4. «Å§i¤@­ÓÅܼƬ°tValue int

  5. tValue = test.text

  6. Select case tValue

  7. case is =33
  8. sValue = 33
  9. case is =44
  10. sValue = 44
  11. select end

  12. if sValue = 33 and
  13. tValue = 88 then

  14. WirteValue 1.text= 1
  15. end if

  16. if sValue = 33 and
  17. tValue = 88 then

  18. WirteValue 2.text=1
  19. end if

  20. exit sub
  21. select case  tValue

  22. case is =33
  23. sValue = 33
  24. case is =44
  25. sValue = 44
  26. select end
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