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et010884 µoªí©ó 2013-12-10 14:58 
¥H¤Uµ{¦¡©ñ¦b ThisWorkBook ¤º- Private Sub Workbook_Open()
- Dim lRow&
- Set dD = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
- lRow = 3
- With Sheets("¤u§@ªí1")
- Do While .Cells(lRow, 2) <> ""
- If .Cells(lRow, 3) <> "" Then
- If dD(CStr(.Cells(lRow, 2))) = "" Then
- dD(CStr(.Cells(lRow, 2))) = CStr(.Cells(lRow, 3))
- Else
- If dD(CStr(.Cells(lRow, 2))) <> .Cells(lRow, 3) Then
- .Cells(lRow, 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 37
- MsgBox ("¤ñ¹ï¿ù»~")
- End If
- End If
- Else
- .Cells(lRow, 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 37
- MsgBox ("¨S¦³²£«~¦WºÙ")
- End If
- lRow = lRow + 1
- Loop
- End With
- End Sub
½Æ»s¥N½X ¥H¤Uµ{¦¡©ñ¦b Module ¤º¥H¤Uµ{¦¡©ñ¦b Sheet1 ¤º- Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
- If Target.Count = 1 Then
- With Target
- If (.Column = 2 Or .Column = 3) And .Offset(, 2 - .Column) <> "" And .Offset(, 3 - .Column) <> "" Then
- If dD(CStr(.Offset(, 2 - .Column))) <> .Offset(, 3 - .Column) Then
- .Interior.ColorIndex = 37
- MsgBox ("¿é¤J¿ù»~")
- .Select
- Else
- .Interior.ColorIndex = -4142
- End If
- End If
- End With
- End If
- End Sub
²£«~¤ñ¹ï-a.zip (13.49 KB)