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¦^´_ 21# owen9399 - Option Explicit
- Option Base 1
- Dim Ar(), Sh As Worksheet
- Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
- Dim Nrow As Integer
- If ¸ê®ÆÀˬd = True Then Exit Sub
- Nrow = ¸ê®Æ¼Æ
- If MsgBox("½T©w·s¼W²Ä " & Nrow & " ¸ê®Æ", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
- Ar(1).Value = Nrow
- With Sh.Range("a" & Ar(1) + 1)
- .Resize(, UBound(Ar)) = Ar
- .Resize(, UBound(Ar)) = .Resize(, UBound(Ar)).Value
- '.Cells(1, "i") = "=sum(r2c4:rc4)+sum(r2c5:rc5)-(sum(r2c7:rc7)+sum(r2c8:rc8))" '®w¦s®tÃB
- '(¥x¥_¥X³f1 + ¥x¥_¥X³f2) - ·~°Èûªº (¶i³f¼Æ¶q1+¶i³f¼Æ¶q2) = ®w¦s®tÃB ** ©Ç©Çªº **
- '***************************************************************************************
- ' ®w¦s®tÃB : À³¸Ó¬O·~°Èûªº (¶i³f¼Æ¶q1+¶i³f¼Æ¶q2) - (¥x¥_¥X³f1 + ¥x¥_¥X³f2)
- .Cells(1, "i") = "=sum(r2c7:rc7)+sum(r2c8:rc8)-(sum(r2c4:rc4)+sum(r2c5:rc5))" '®w¦s®tÃB
- '***************************************************************************************
- .Cells(1, "i").Value = .Cells(1, "i") 'Âà¤Æ¤½¦¡ = pºâ«áªº¼ÆÈ
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
- Dim I As Integer
- For I = 1 To UBound(Ar)
- Ar(I).Value = ""
- Next
- End Sub
- Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
- Dim I As Integer, Rng As Range
- With Sh
- .AutoFilterMode = False
- For I = 1 To UBound(Ar)
- If Ar(I) <> "" Then .Range("A1").AutoFilter I, Ar(I)
- Next
- .Range("A:i").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy .Range("AA1")
- .AutoFilterMode = False
- Set Rng = .Range("AA1").CurrentRegion.Offset(1)
- End With
- ListBox1.RowSource = Rng.Address
- End Sub
- Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
- Dim s, E As Range, I As Integer
- With ListBox1
- If .ListIndex = -1 Then MsgBox "¨S¦³¿ï¾Ü!!": Exit Sub
- s = Application.Index(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(.List)), IIf(.ListCount = 1, 0, 1))
- If Join(s, "") = "" Then MsgBox "¨S¦³¸ê®Æ!!": Exit Sub
- s = Application.Index(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(.List)), IIf(.ListCount = 1, 0, .ListIndex + 1))
- End With
- s = Join(s, ",") 'S: µ²¦X±±¨î¶µªº¦r¦ê [ ¦Û°Ê½s¸¹§Ç¸¹¤½¥q²£«~¦WºÙ¥x¥_¥X³f1¥x¥_¥X³f2·~°Èû¶i³f¼Æ¶q1¶i³f¼Æ¶q2®w¦s®tÃB ]
- With Sh
- For Each E In .Range("A1", .Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Resize(, 9).Rows '¾ã¦C:[ ¦Û°Ê½s¸¹......®w¦s®tÃB ]
- If s = Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(E)), ",") Then
- If MsgBox(Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(E.Value)), ","), vbYesNo, "§R°£¦C") = vbYes Then
- ³B¸Ì§R°£¾ã¦C E
- End If
- End If
- Next
- End With
- CommandButton3_Click '«·s¬d¸ß
- End Sub
- Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
- End
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
- Ar = Array(TextBox1, ComboBox1, ComboBox2, TextBox2, TextBox3, ComboBox3, TextBox4, TextBox5)
- Set Sh = Worksheets("sheet1")
- With Sh
- ComboBox1.RowSource = Sh.Range("L2:L5").Address
- ComboBox2.RowSource = Sh.Range("N2:N6").Address
- ComboBox3.RowSource = Sh.Range("M2:M4").Address
- End With
- With ListBox1
- .ColumnHeads = True
- .ColumnCount = 9
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub ³B¸Ì§R°£¾ã¦C(Rng As Range)
- Dim I As Integer
- Rng.Delete xlUp
- I = ¸ê®Æ¼Æ
- If I > 1 Then
- With Sh
- With .Range("a2:a" & I)
- .Value = "=row()-1"
- .Value = .Value
- End With
- With .Range("i2:i" & I)
- .Value = "=sum(r2c7:rc7)+sum(r2c8:rc8)-(sum(r2c4:rc4)+sum(r2c5:rc5))" '®w¦s®tÃB
- .Value = .Value
- End With
- End With
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Function ¸ê®Æ¼Æ() As Integer
- ¸ê®Æ¼Æ = Application.CountA(Sh.Range("A:A")) '¦Û°Ê½s¸¹
- End Function
- Private Function ¸ê®ÆÀˬd() As Boolean
- Dim s As String, E As Range, I As Integer, ii
- With Sh
- For I = 2 To UBound(Ar)
- ii = 10 - Len(Sh.Cells(1, I))
- If I = 2 Or I = 3 Or I = 6 Then
- If Ar(I).ListIndex = -1 Then s = s & IIf(s = "", "", vbLf) & Sh.Cells(1, I) + Space(ii) & vbTab & Ar(I)
- Else
- If Not IsNumeric(Ar(I)) And Ar(I) <> "" Then s = s & IIf(s = "", "", vbLf) & Sh.Cells(1, I) + Space(ii) & vbTab & Ar(I)
- End If
- Next
- If s <> "" Then
- ¸ê®ÆÀˬd = True: MsgBox s, , "¸ê®Æ¦³»~!!": Exit Function
- ElseIf s = "" And Ar(4) & Ar(5) & Ar(7) & Ar(8) = "" Then
- ¸ê®ÆÀˬd = True: MsgBox "¥X³f ¶i³f ¨S¦³¼Æ¶q", , "¸ê®Æ¦³»~!!": Exit Function
- End If
- s = "," & Join(Ar, "")
- s = Replace(s, "," & Ar(1), "") 'S: µ²¦X±±¨î¶µªº¦r¦ê [ §Ç¸¹¤½¥q²£«~¦WºÙ¥x¥_¥X³f1¥x¥_¥X³f2·~°Èû¶i³f¼Æ¶q1¶i³f¼Æ¶q2 ]
- For Each E In .Range("B1", .Range("B1").End(xlDown)).Resize(, 7).Rows
- If s = Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(E.Value)), "") Then
- MsgBox Replace(Join(Ar, ","), Ar(1) & ",", "") & vbLf & "¤w¦s¦b¬° ²Ä" & E.Row - 1 & " µ§ ¸ê®Æ¤£¥i·s¼W"
- ¸ê®ÆÀˬd = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- End With
- End Function
½Æ»s¥N½X ¦p¹Ï ªí³æ¤¤·s¥[¤@ ListBox1