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¦^´_ 28# Kubi

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¥u¬O§Ú·Q§â "Data" (¸ê®Æ®w) & "Search" (·j´M)³o2­ÓÀɤÀ¶}¥Î.
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Kubi ¤j¤j,ÁÂÁ§A¡K


¦^´_ 71# Qin

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¦^´_ 72# Kubi



¦^´_ 73# Qin
¸ê®Æ·j´M.rar (38.76 KB)


¦^´_ 74# Kubi



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1.Application.Goto ['Qty on Hand'!A2]  ¦P  Sheets("Qty on Hand").Activate: [A2].Activate
2.[~!~]ªº³¯­z¤è¦¡·|¦]¬° Qty on Hand ¤§¶¡¦³ªÅ®æ¦ÓµLªk¿ëÃÑ,©Ò¥H­n¥H³æ¤Þ¸¹«e«á¥]¦í



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3.D,E,GÄæ ¦U¬°¤å¦r¼Ò½k·j¯Á ¥iªÅ®æ ¨Ò¦p:A ¥q ¿é¥X A¤½¥q
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2.«Ü¦h¤pbug ¥u¦³°µ¥DÅé´X­Ó¤j¥\¯à ¹L²Óªº«È»s¤Æ¥\¯à»P»Ý¨D ©|¥¼»s§@

Sub ÃöÁä¦r¬d¸ß()
With CreateObject("adodb.connection"): V = Application.Version
If V >= 12 Then V = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Extended Properties=Excel 12.0; "
If V < 12 Then V = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0; "
.Open V & "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\SearchData.xlsx"

'excel ½Õ¥Îadodb ¥Î sql ®É Äæ¦ì¦WºÙ¦³"."²Å¸¹ ¶·§ï¬° "#"¸¹
If Cells(7, 1) <> "" And Cells(6, 1) = "" Then sq = sq & " and  [No#] like  '%" & Replace(Cells(7, 1), " ", "%") & "%'"
If Cells(7, 1) <> "" And Cells(6, 1) <> "" Then sq = sq & " and  [No#] between " & Cells(6, 1) & " and " & Cells(7, 1) ' & "'"
If Cells(7, 2) <> "" And Cells(6, 2) = "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Inv#]  like '%" & Replace(Cells(7, 2), " ", "%") & "%'"
If Cells(7, 2) <> "" And Cells(6, 2) <> "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Inv#]  between '" & Cells(6, 2) & "' and '" & Cells(7, 2) & "'"
If IsDate(Cells(7, 3)) Then
If Cells(7, 3) <> "" And Cells(6, 3) = "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Date]  like '%" & Cells(7, 3) & "%'"
If Cells(7, 3) <> "" And Cells(6, 3) <> "" Then sq = sq & " and  Format(Date, 'yyyy-MM-dd')  between '" & Format(Cells(6, 3), "yyyy-MM-dd") & "' and '" & Format(Cells(7, 3), "yyyy-MM-dd") & "'"
End If
If Cells(7, 4) <> "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Supplier] like '%" & Replace(Cells(7, 4), " ", "%") & "%'"
If Cells(7, 5) <> "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Inv#(1)] like '%" & Replace(Cells(7, 5), " ", "%") & "%'"
If Cells(7, 6) <> "" And Cells(6, 6) = "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Part No#] like '%" & Replace(Cells(7, 6), " ", "%") & "%'"
If Cells(7, 6) <> "" And Cells(6, 6) <> "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Part No#]  between '" & Cells(6, 6) & "' and '" & Cells(7, 6) & "'"
If Cells(7, 7) <> "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Prod# Name] like '%" & Replace(Cells(7, 7), " ", "%") & "%'"
If Cells(7, 8) <> "" And Cells(6, 8) = "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Qty]  like '%" & Replace(Cells(7, 8), " ", "%") & "%'"
If Cells(7, 8) <> "" And Cells(6, 8) <> "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Qty]  between " & Cells(6, 8) & " and " & Cells(7, 8)
If Cells(7, 9) <> "" And Cells(6, 9) = "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Amt#]  like '%" & Replace(Cells(7, 9), " ", "%") & "%'"
If Cells(7, 9) <> "" And Cells(6, 9) <> "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Amt#]  between " & Cells(6, 9) & " and " & Cells(7, 9)
If Cells(7, 10) <> "" And Cells(6, 10) = "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Total]  like '%" & Replace(Cells(7, 10), " ", "%") & "%'"
If Cells(7, 10) <> "" And Cells(6, 10) <> "" Then sq = sq & " and  [Total]  between " & Cells(6, 10) & " and " & Cells(7, 10)

If sq <> "" Then sq = Mid(sq, 5, 99999)
If sq <> "" Then sq = "select * from [Data$A1:J] where " & sq
If sq = "" Then sq = "select * from [Data$A1:J] "
Sheets("SQL·j´M").Cells(9, 1).Resize(10000, 10).ClearContents
Sheets("SQL·j´M").Cells(9, 1).CopyFromRecordset .Execute(sq)
.Close: End With
End Sub

Sub ²M°£ÃöÁä¦r()
End Sub

¸ê®Æ·j´M.zip (54.46 KB)


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