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¦^´_ 1# dechiuan999 - Private Sub MultiPage1_Change()
- Select Case MultiPage1.Value
- 'MultiPage1.Value = 0
- Case Is = 3
- mSht1.Cells.Clear
- mSht2.Select
- 'mSht2.Cells.Clear
- ReDim myOp15(15 To 18)
- For i = 15 To 18
- '³o¸Ìªí³æ¨C¤@Ó±±¨î¶µ ´`Àô 4¦¸ «ü©w¬Û¦Pª«¥óªº±±¨î¶µ
- Set myOp15(i) = New allAppCls
- Set myOp15(i).mySqlServer = New allServerCls
- myOp15(i).mySqlServer.clsConn = conStr
- Set myOp15(i).opt15 = Me.Controls("OptionButton" & CStr(i))
- Set myOp15(i).mTb6 = Me.Controls("TextBox6")
- Set myOp15(i).mTb7 = Me.Controls("TextBox7")
- Set myOp15(i).comBox5 = Me.Controls("ComBoBox5")
- Set myOp15(i).List3 = Me.Controls("ListBox3")
- Set myOp15(i).Command2 = Me.Controls("CommandButton2")
- Set myOp15(i).mSht2 = Worksheets("Appsearch_Data")
- myOp15(i).ck15 = i
- Next
- With ComboBox5
- .AddItem "Server"
- .AddItem "LocalHost"
- .ListIndex = 0
- End With
- ListBox3.Clear
- End Select
- End Sub
½Æ»s¥N½X- Public Property Set List3(setList3 As MSForms.ListBox)
- Set mList3 = setList3
- MsgBox mList3.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name & "-" & mList3.Parent.Parent.Name & "-" & mList3.Parent.Name & "-" & mList3.Name
- End Property
½Æ»s¥N½X |