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¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ GBKEE ©ó 2017-9-9 09:33 ½s¿è
¦^´_ 4# vm3503ru8
.CommandType = 0 ¥L³£»¡©I¥s¤£¥¿½T
¨S¬Ý¨ìµ{¦¡,¤£¤F¸Ñ- Option Explicit
- Dim xPath As String
- Sub Ex()
- xPath = "d:\" 'ThisWorkbook.Path
- Ex_קï³Ì·s¤å¦rÀÉ
- Workbooks.Open Latest_file(xPath) '¶×¤JTXT¨ìEXCEL
- End Sub
- Sub Ex_קï³Ì·s¤å¦rÀÉ()
- Dim xFile As String, F As Object, i As Integer
- Dim My(), myRow As Integer
- xFile = Latest_file(xPath) 'Latest_file¨ç¼Æ(Function) ,¶Ç¦^:³Ì·s¦sÀɪºÀɮצWºÙ
- Open xFile For Input As #1
- Do Until EOF(1)
- ReDim Preserve My(0 To myRow)
- Input #1, My(myRow) ', my(1), my(2), my(3), my(4), my(5), my(6)
- myRow = myRow + 1
- Loop
- Close #1
- Set F = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(xFile, True) '¶}±Ò¤å¥óÀÉ,¥iÂл\ì¤å¥óÀɼҦ¡
- For i = 0 To UBound(My)
- F.Writeline My(i)
- Next
- F.Close
- End Sub
- Function Latest_file(¸ê®Æ§¨¸ô®| As String) As String '¦Ûq¨ç¼Æ(Function) ,¶Ç¦^:³Ì·s¦sÀɪºÀɮצWºÙ
- Dim F As Object, E, AR(), i As Integer, A As Variant, xFile As String
- Set F = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(¸ê®Æ§¨¸ô®|).Files
- ReDim AR(1 To 2, 1 To F.Count)
- For Each E In F
- If E Like "*.txt" Then 'ÀÉ®×°ÆÀɦW¬°txt
- i = i + 1
- AR(1, i) = E '°}¦C²Ä¤@ºû ¸m¤JÀɮצWºÙ
- AR(2, i) = CDbl(E.DateLastModified) '°}¦C²Ä¤Gºû ¸m¤J¦sÀɮɶ¡
- End If
- Next
- A = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(AR, 2)
- On Error Resume Next
- Latest_file = AR(Application.Match(Application.Max(A), A, 0), 1)
- If Err Then MsgBox ¸ê®Æ§¨¸ô®| & "¸ê®Æ§¨,§ä¤£¨ì txtÀÉ®× !!! ": End
- End Function
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