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[µo°Ý] Excel VBE commandBar control ID ½Xªº¦Cªí

[µo°Ý] Excel VBE commandBar control ID ½Xªº¦Cªí

¨Ò¦p¹ïVBEªº¾Þ§@Á`­n¦³ ID¦p¤U¡G
Application.VBE.CommandBar().findcontrol(ID:= controlID,)

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¦^´_ 1# Scott090
  1. Option Explicit
  2. Sub CommandBar_Id()
  3.     Dim C As CommandBar, W As CommandBarControl, E As CommandBarControl, I As Integer
  4.     On Error Resume Next
  5.     For Each C In Application.CommandBars
  6.         For Each W In C.Controls
  7.             For Each E In W.Controls
  8.                 Cells(I, "A") = E.Caption
  9.                 Cells(I, "B") = E.ID
  10.                 I = I + 1
  11.             Next
  12.         Next
  13.     Next
  14. End Sub
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¦^´_ 2# GBKEE

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¥H¤UªºVBA½X¬O¤j®v´¿¸g«üÂIªº¡A¥Î¨ÓÅã¥Ü Referencesµ¡Å骺¡A ¨ä¤¤ªº ...  .FindControl(ID:=1561).execute  1561§ä¤£¨ì¡F
¥t¡Aª¦¤å¤¤¤]¦³¥Î ID:=2578 ¨Ó¥s¥Î VBProject ±M®×±K½Xµ¡Åé¡A³o­Ó 2578 ¤]¦b¦Cªí¤¤§ä¤£¨ì

´±°Ý¤j®v ³o¨ÇID¬O«ç»ò¨Óªº

    Private Sub ³]©w¤Þ¥Î¶µ¥Ø()  '¿òº|¶µ¦s¦b®É¥Î¤â°Ê§R°£,¥Î¤â°Ê¦sÀÉ«á­«·s°õ¦æµ{¦¡.
    Dim E
    On Error Resume Next
    With ThisWorkbook.VBProject
        For Each E In .References
         Debug.Print E.Name
    End With
    If Err <> 0 Then
       Application.SendKeys "%T"
       Application.SendKeys "R"
    End If
End Sub


¦^´_ 3# Scott090
FindControl(ID:=1561).execute  1561§ä¤£¨ì,·|¬O2010ªºID¤£¦P??


  1. Option Explicit
  2. Sub CommandBar_ID()
  3.     Dim C As CommandBar, W As CommandBarControl, E As CommandBarControl, xl_Id As Integer
  4.     On Error Resume Next
  5.     For Each C In Application.CommandBars
  6.         For Each W In C.Controls
  7.             For Each E In W.Controls
  8.                 If E.Caption Like "À˵øµ{¦¡½X*" Then xl_Id = E.ID
  9.             Next
  10.         Next
  11.     Next
  12.     ³]©w¤Þ¥Î¶µ¥Ø xl_Id
  13. End Sub
  14. Private Sub ³]©w¤Þ¥Î¶µ¥Ø(Bar_ID)  '¿òº|¶µ¦s¦b®É¥Î¤â°Ê§R°£,¥Î¤â°Ê¦sÀÉ«á­«·s°õ¦æµ{¦¡.
  15.     Dim E
  16.     On Error Resume Next
  17.     With ThisWorkbook.VBProject
  18.         For Each E In .References
  19.          Debug.Print E.Name
  20.         Next
  21.     End With
  22.     If Err <> 0 Then
  23.        Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=Bar_ID).Execute
  24.        Application.SendKeys "%T"
  25.        Application.SendKeys "R"
  26.       End
  27.     End If
  28. End Sub
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¦^´_ 4# GBKEE

    ÁÂÁÂ GBKEE ¤j®v
.findcontrol(ID:=1561). excecute ¥i¥H¦b 2010°õ¦æ, ¨ú¥X¤Þ¥Î references µ¡Åé
¥u¬O³o­Ó¸¹½X 1561 ¦b ID ¦Cªí¤º§ä¤£¨ì



¦^´_ 5# Scott090
½Ð°õ¦æ 2#ªºµ{¦¡

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¦^´_ 6# GBKEE

    ÁÂÁÂ GBKEE ¤j®v


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