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標題: 如何做跨頁出貨單歷史統計 [打印本頁]

作者: janejacky    時間: 2011-5-8 11:37     標題: 如何做跨頁出貨單歷史統計


2.出貨單  統計完後當日還可繼續輸入第2筆不同客戶的資料  也會繼續顯示在出貨單歷史統計表中

作者: GBKEE    時間: 2011-5-8 15:45

本帖最後由 GBKEE 於 2011-5-8 20:01 編輯

回復 1# janejacky

  1. Sub Ex()
  2.     Dim D(2) As Object, R As Variant, AR()
  3.     Set D(0) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  4.     Set D(1) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  5.     Set D(2) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  6.     With Sheets("出貨單")
  7.         For Each R In .Range(.[B12], .[G29]).Rows   '出貨單內容範圍-> 的整列
  8.             If Application.CountA(R) = 6 Then   '資料要齊全
  9.                 AR = Array(.[G4].Text, .[G5], .[B5], R.Cells(1, 1), R.Cells(1, 2), R.Cells(1, 3), R.Cells(1, 5), R.Cells(1, 6))
  10.                 D(1)(Join(AR, ",")) = AR
  11.             End If
  12.         Next
  13.     End With
  14.     With Sheets("出貨單歷史統計")
  15.         For Each R In .Range(.[A3], .Cells(Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp)).Rows
  16.             If Application.CountA(R) = 8 Then D(0)(Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(R.Value)), ",")) = ""
  17.             D(2)(R.Cells(1, 1) & R.Cells(1, 2)) = D(2)(R.Cells(1, 1) & R.Cells(1, 2)) + R.Cells(1, 8)
  18.         Next
  19.         For Each R In D(1).KEYS
  20.             If D(0).EXISTS(R) = False Then
  21.                 With .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1)
  22.                     .Resize(, 8) = D(1)(R)
  23.                     D(2)(.Cells(1) & .Cells(1, 2)) = D(2)(.Cells(1) & .Cells(1, 2)) + .Cells(1, 8)
  24.                 End With
  25.             End If
  26.         Next
  27.         For Each R In .Range(.[A3], .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
  28.             If D(2).EXISTS(R & R(1, 2)) Then R(1, 9) = D(2)(R & R(1, 2))
  29.         Next
  30.     End With
  31.     Set D(0) = Nothing
  32.     Set D(1) = Nothing
  33.     Set R = Nothing
  34. End Sub

作者: janejacky    時間: 2011-5-8 17:39

作者: Hsieh    時間: 2011-5-9 00:03

回復 1# janejacky

  1. Sub inputdata() '儲存資料
  2. Dim Rng As Range, Ay()
  3. With Sheet1
  4. Set Rng = .Range("A12:A29")
  5. If Application.CountA(Rng) > 0 Then
  6.    For Each a In Rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
  7.       ar = Array(.[G5].Value, .[G4].Value, .[B5].Value, a.Offset(, 1).Value, a.Offset(, 2).Value, a.Offset(, 3).Value, a.Offset(, 5).Value, a.Offset(, 6).Value)
  8.       ReDim Preserve Ay(s)
  9.       Ay(s) = ar
  10.       s = s + 1
  11.    Next
  12.    cnt = .[G32].Value
  13.    With Sheet2
  14.       Set a = .[A65536].End(xlUp).Offset(1)
  15.       a.Resize(s, 8) = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Ay))
  16.       a.Offset(s - 1, 8) = cnt
  17.    End With
  18. End If
  19. End With
  20. End Sub
  21. Function PaperNo(Rng As Range, mydate As Date, k) '流水編號
  22. Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  23. mystr = Format(mydate, "yyyymmdd")
  24. If Application.CountA(Rng) > 0 Then
  25. For Each a In Rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
  26.     If Left(a, 8) = mystr Then d(Val(a)) = ""
  27. Next
  28. End If
  29. If d.Count > 0 Then
  30. PaperNo = IIf(k = 1, Format(Application.Max(d.keys) + 1, "00000000000"), Format(Application.Max(d.keys), "00000000000"))
  31. Else
  32. PaperNo = mystr & "001"
  33. End If
  34. End Function

作者: janejacky    時間: 2011-5-9 10:22     標題: 又發現不順

本帖最後由 janejacky 於 2011-5-10 15:55 編輯


單號會一樣 所以出現的出貨單歷史統計上總額也會依據上一張的總額

作者: janejacky    時間: 2011-5-10 15:57


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