Sub GoTDCC1yr()
' GoTDCC1yr Macro
Dim TWYear, CEYear As String
For m = 1 To 51
Dim WinHttp As Object, DOM As Object, Table As Object
Dim url As String, Title() As String, Stockid As String, weekDate As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
If .Status = 200 Then
DOM.body.innerHTML = .responsetext
End If
End With
Set Table = DOM.getElementsByTagName("table")
i = 1
For Each tr In Table(6).Rows ' ÁÙ¬O¦^¶Ç¸ê®Æn§ï¡H
j = 1
For Each td In tr.Cells
Sheets(TWYear).Cells(i, j) = td.innerText
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
i = 2
For Each tr In Table(7).Rows
j = 1
For Each td In tr.Cells
Sheets(TWYear).Cells(i, j) = td.innerText
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
Set Table = Nothing
Set DOM = Nothing
Set WinHttp = Nothing