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標題: 請問為什麼執VBA時,記憶體會越來越大,變成速度變慢 [打印本頁]

作者: ashin1981    時間: 2016-5-9 23:03     標題: 請問為什麼執VBA時,記憶體會越來越大,變成速度變慢

每個變數最後也都會下這個指令 Set WebShtWan = Nothing,讓參考釋放記憶體,好像也沒用。
電腦系統是用win 7,excel2010,記憶體4G。
作者: ashin1981    時間: 2016-5-9 23:34

回復 1# ashin1981

                     2. 我這台電腦效能不是很好,已經是至少3、4年有了吧,CPU也是用intel celeron E3400 2.6G。
作者: c_c_lai    時間: 2016-5-10 07:06

回復 2# ashin1981
作者: stillfish00    時間: 2016-5-10 10:36

回復 1# ashin1981

用完的Web連線有刪除嗎? (資料>連線)
作者: ashin1981    時間: 2016-5-10 11:24

Sub 下載每日股價Web_1()

       Dim WbSht融資融卷 As Worksheet
       Dim WebShtDailyVal As Worksheet
       Dim TwseURL_daily$
''     Dim Workday As Integer
''     Dim Response
       WorkDay = Application.Evaluate("WEEKDAY(TODAY())-1")
''     If Workday = 6 And flag = 0 Then
''     m = m - 1
''     m = "0" & m
''     End If
Set WbSht融資融卷 = Sheets("融資融卷")
Set WebShtDailyVal = Sheets("每日股價")

Select Case Month(Now)
   Case 1, 2
      startYear = Year(Now) - 1
      startMon = 10
   Case 3, 4
      startYear = Year(Now) - 1
      startMon = 11
   Case Else
     startYear = Year(Now)
     startMon = Month(Now) - 4
   End Select

'''If Month(Now) = 2 Then
'''   startYear = Year(Now) - 1
'''   startMon = 10
'''ElseIf Month(Now) = 1 Then
'''    startYear = Year(Now) - 1
'''     startMon = 10
'''ElseIf Month(Now) = 3 Then
'''    startYear = Year(Now) - 1
'''     startMon = 11
'''   startYear = Year(Now)
'''   startMon = Month(Now) - 3
'''End If
TwseURL_daily = "URL;" & y & m & "/" & y & m & "_F3_1_8_" & uRng3.Text & ".php?STK_NO=" & uRng3.Text & "&myeay=" & y & "&mmon=" & m
''融資融卷URL = "URL;" & uRng3.Text & "&c=2016-1-1&d=2016-2-23"
''融資融卷URL = "URL;" & uRng3.Text & "&c=" & Year(Now) & "-" & Month(Now) - 1 & "-" & Day(Now) - 20 & "&d=" & Year(Now) & "-" & Month(Now) & "-" & Day(Now)
  融資融卷URL = "URL;" & uRng3.Text & "&c=" & startYear & "-" & startMon & "-" & 1 & "&d=" & Year(Now) & "-" & Month(Now) & "-" & Day(Now)
''TwseURL_daily = "URL;" & y & "07" & "/" & y & "07" & "_F3_1_8_" & uRng3.Text & ".php?STK_NO=" & uRng3.Text & "&myeay=" & y & "&mmon=" & m
''TwseURL_daily = "URL;" & y & m "/" & y & m "_F3_1_8_" & uRng3.Text ".php?STK_NO=" &uRng3.Text "&myeay=" &y "&mmon=" &m
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler


If flag = False Then
End If

ErrNo = 0
On Error GoTo 101

    With WebShtDailyVal.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
         TwseURL_daily, Destination:=WebShtDailyVal.[A1])
        ''.Name = "201507_F3_1_8_2379.php?STK_NO=2379&myear=2015&mmon=07_2"
        .FieldNames = True
        .RowNumbers = False
        .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
        .PreserveFormatting = True
        .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
        .BackgroundQuery = True
        .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
        .SavePassword = False
        .SaveData = True
        .AdjustColumnWidth = True
        .RefreshPeriod = 0
        .WebSelectionType = xlSpecifiedTables
        .WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone
        .WebTables = "8"
        .WebPreFormattedTextToColumns = True
        .WebConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne = True
        .WebSingleBlockTextImport = False
        .WebDisableDateRecognition = False
        .WebDisableRedirections = False
        .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    End With

    If flag = False Then
          With WbSht融資融卷.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
           融資融卷URL, Destination:=WbSht融資融卷.[B4])
            .Name = "zcn.djhtm?a=1101&c=2016-1-23&d=2016-2-23"
            .FieldNames = True
            .RowNumbers = False
            .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
            .PreserveFormatting = True
            .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
            .BackgroundQuery = True
            .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
            .SavePassword = False
            .SaveData = True
            .AdjustColumnWidth = True
            .RefreshPeriod = 0
            .WebSelectionType = xlSpecifiedTables
            .WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone
            .WebTables = "2"
            .WebPreFormattedTextToColumns = True
            .WebConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne = True
            .WebSingleBlockTextImport = False
            .WebDisableDateRecognition = False
            .WebDisableRedirections = False
            .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
        End With
    End If
''Exit Sub

101: ErrNo = Err.Number

If ErrNo = 1004 Then

    Exit Sub
    m = m - 1
    If m = 0 And d = "01" Or WorkDay = 6 Or WorkDay = 0 Then
         m = 12
         y = y - 1
        m = "0" & m
    End If
    Call 下載每日股價Web_1
End If

If flag = 1 Then
Call 載入每日股價和大盤指數和成交量和三大法人和融資卷
End If

Set WbSht融資融卷 = Nothing
Set WebShtDailyVal = Nothing

End Sub
作者: ashin1981    時間: 2016-5-10 11:41


Sub 下載每月營收_CSV()

year1 = 2008
month1 = "01"
Row = 6
col = 8

Dim F As Boolean
Set WebSht1 = Sheets("歷年營收")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
s1 = uRng3.Text

Do While year1 <= Year(Date)

month1 = "01"
strcon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & ThisWorkbookPath & "\每年營收\" & year1 & "\;" _
& "Extended Properties=""text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited"";"

For I2 = 1 To 12 Step 1

''strSQL = "SELECT * FROM 20150301.csv WHERE 證券代號 LIKE '%" & s1 & "%'"

    s = ThisWorkbookPath & "\每年營收\" & year1 & "\" & year1 & month1 & ".csv"
    F = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FileExists(s)
    If F = True Then
        strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & year1 & month1 & ".csv WHERE 公司 LIKE '%" & s1 & "%'"
         month1 = month1 + 1
         If month1 < 10 Then
            month1 = "0" & month1
         End If
         GoTo a:
    End If
rs.Open strSQL, strcon, 3, 3

If rs.BOF And rs.EOF Then
   month1 = month1 + 1
If I2 = 12 Then
   year1 = year1 + 1
   ''count = count + 1
End If

If month1 < 10 Then
month1 = "0" & month1
End If
   GoTo a:

End If



   Row = (year1 - 2008) * (6 + AddSmallRow) + 1
   col = month1 + 7 + 3 + AddCol
   On Error Resume Next
   ''On Error GoTo Handler
   uRng3(Row, col) = rs("本年度本月")
   uRng3(Row + 1, col) = (uRng3(Row, col) - rs("上年度本月")) / rs("上年度本月")
Loop Until rs.EOF

month1 = month1 + 1

If month1 < 10 Then
month1 = "0" & month1
End If


a: Next I2

year1 = year1 + 1
''count = count + 1


Set rs = Nothing '釋放物件變數
Set WebSht1 = Nothing

Handler: Exit Sub

End Sub
作者: stillfish00    時間: 2016-5-10 17:21

回復 5# ashin1981
建議有用到 QueryTables 的地方
都在 .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
的下方多一行 .Delete  來刪除連線
作者: ashin1981    時間: 2016-5-10 19:02


加.DELETE情況有比較好一 點,另剛剛執行讀取CSV檔方式,一執行記憶體也會變大,比web方式記憶體會變大較多,是有哪裡漏掉嗎。
作者: ashin1981    時間: 2016-5-10 19:43

s大 !

作者: Qektyyrwp    時間: 2016-6-2 23:21

回復 7# stillfish00

    Selection.ListObject.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False

作者: ashin1981    時間: 2016-6-9 10:13

With WebShtYah.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=YahooURL, Destination:=WebShtYah.[A1])
        .AdjustColumnWidth = False
        .WebSelectionType = xlAllTables
        .WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone
        .WebPreFormattedTextToColumns = True
        .WebConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne = True
        .WebSingleBlockTextImport = False
        .WebDisableDateRecognition = False
        .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    End With

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